Just put a surveillance cam on the Sentinelese Islanders and call it the latest season of Survivor.
Just put a surveillance cam on the Sentinelese Islanders and call it the latest season of Survivor.
I can’t wait for the next Red Letter Media Re:View videos after this.
God, Season 2 was such a mess. Read the whole FYC and still don’t get it.
And now The Democrats decided to choose a presidential nominee who’s going to veto Medicare 4 All eventhough M4A is the best type of healthcare Americans can get to deal with something like the coronavirus.
The only reason why Kid Nation won’t be revived is because of the fear of kids eventually learning to build their own broadband network that’s faster than Comcast & Australia’s NBN for the sole purpose of Fortnite and TikTok.
I always get him confused with Elliot Gould, to where I think they’re both brothers or something.
So I started watching a few episodes of Star Trek Deep Space 9.
Am I the only one who prefers a new Indiana Jones film with a younger actor rather than casting an old Harrison Film?
Spirit cooking with John Podesta at Comet Ping Pong of course! /s
RIP Mulan. You thought you could survive the Hong Kong protests, but the Coronavirus will eventually catch up to ya.
Bernie won in MI, WI and PA, and those states boycotted Hillary because they wanted Bernie.
Only if you’re willing to hold your government’s feet to the fire and prevent them from interfering in other countries’ elections in return.
The fact that GOP dug up the Biden Ukraine story again now that Joes got momentum is proof that we should all be voting for Bernie, because I’m sick of Rachel Maddow saying all these dumb Russian and Ukrainian names.
What if instead it’s WeHulk, and it’s a co-working space located in Planet Hulk?
So based on The AV Club’s recent Home Video Hell, I’ve decided to watch Snatchers.
Ever since Kamala Harris dropped out, Warren’s campaign picked up a lot of her supporters and The “K-Hive” are pretty much the Hillaryis44 crowd from 2008 and 2016.
God I realized that I haven’t finished episodes 9 and 10 of season 1.
I disagree.