I'm more of a Robocop guy though, so I wished that Blade Runner had a bit of Robocop in it.
I'm more of a Robocop guy though, so I wished that Blade Runner had a bit of Robocop in it.
I agree to disagree
Game Center CX disagrees with you.
Um, Moscow and Dubai are Blade Runner as fuck tho:
The problem though is that the middle act of the film is boring as shit.
So I got myself a copy of Elle and I've yet to touch it.
If you live ANYWHERE in Asia, Blade Runner is basically your diary.
Johnny Depp as a Quebecois is a fucking insult to Quebec, and is a great argument for secession.
Yeah, this is definitely Onur Tukel's fetish.
>Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen. Most blockbuster games will never appear on the console and Nintendo has a lot of work to do to prove it can flesh out the system’s library beyond its own superlative releases.
Here's what I don't get about Kevin Smith:
So it's basically Drakengard Housewives?
The ads and trailers for this show are awful.
It was one of the dankest memes of 2012 up till the Jason Russell fapping video:
Didn't some Christian scam non-profit killed him in Uganda back in 2012?
>Dick Wolf
Yeah my points exactly