
Good god…

Oh, boy…

Just want King Shark musical!

*shakes fist angrily*

Well, the difference between those days and today is it took months for the backlash to become noticeable and months for him to get over as a heel.

I wouldn't say "the fans", but a large, growing part of the base did. And they're very vocal. Just about any backlash starts with them and they're coming faster and faster.

Easily, his highest-profile role.

Rock was face-heel-face-heel…left…face.

Blair…Brunzell was known for his dropkick.

Saw Diner for the first time last night. Everybody is a dick, but there are enough good qualities that you can buy them changing.


And people dismiss the Comey effect, Russia getting involved, and the voter suppression.

I remember seeing him in Titanic and freaking out that "it was the same dude that was in Turtles 2".

Have never really got into the whole Velveeta/Rotel thing. I prefer this:

A couple first-timers…

Maybe. Just remember seeing one done in that way.

Dino-Mutt movie?

Bread vs. Ambrosia, you mean.

Actually, "Take It To The Limit" does sound like the ultimate superhero movie song. Just fits.

Captain Cold