
Still want to see a heavy-set Flash, where he stops jiggling a minute after he stops running.


No, The Amazing Spider-Hamm.

*looks down in shame*

Udderly ridiculous!


How about a Batman/Ghostbusters team-up?

Never heard of him…



I guess this is a real statue of limitations…

It was me, AV Club! It was me all along!

"Seductive Beaver"

Yup. While Logan had some great acting, I enjoyed GOTG 2 so much more! Same with Wonder Woman.

Still like the bullet point style reviews better myself.

I want Ellsworth to have a gimmick where he messes up whatever scene he's in and everybody else involved says in an exasperated tone "Elssssswooooorrrrrth!".

Yeah…that fits.

Nothing, but it'd just be a funny visual seeing him have to cater to others.

No…he'd be in with the house-elves.

But "Hufflepuff will accept the lot". It would be a horrible existence though.