
Same with Roman slavery. No picnic, but not anything like ante-bellum slavery.

Austin is teeming with hipsters in man buns. You’ve just fortunate.

That is a righteous rant and I love it. (I’m from Houston. Love Austin but everything you said is true.)

She and her husband need to both die, right now - but maybe someone advised the judge that it would be best for the child to be able to see her. It’s heartbreaking but abused kids frequently express fear of being separated from their abusive parents - they still love them, and the shock of being taken from his home is

That’s exactly the kind of crap right wingers used to talk about Malia and Sasha.

He’s 11 years old with a senile asshole for a dad. Sympathy is deserved and appropriate.

I feel very badly for the kid. I don’t imagine he’s ever been close to his dad or that he’s looking forward to the fish bowl of the WH. He’s plenty old enough to see what people say about his family.

Tiffany is by far the luckiest Trump kid and that’s because of her mom.

My nephews do it all the time - they’re the living, breathing cliche of the suburban upper middle class master planned community dwelling athletically successful and high grade earning white boys who only listen to trap/rap/hip hop/whatever it’s called now and beatbox until the grownups slap em.

My sister likes to

He didn’t punch her or beat her up - he just slapped her. And though it’s clearly assault, I’m glad he wasn’t apprehended.

And I simply can’t agree that there is “never” an excuse for a man to strike a woman. She repeatedly and deliberately provoked him and she delighted in doing it because she thought she’d face no

No, you’re not. So you’re a Stan Stan too?

Once again you’re doing the Lord’s work, and we thank you for it.

Her’s and Tiffany’s aren’t as bad as the boys, tho, especially Eric. So gross.

God, the sons are really repellant, aren’t they? Like Central Casting sent them over to be the Stereotypically Obnoxious and Stupid Rich Assholes.

Don’t blame you! But he follows actual published stories from mainstream media or publicly available data. He doesn’t just throw out suppositions. And supposedly Trump’s connections to Russian organized crime goes back some ways.

Your honesty and self-reflection do you credit and I wish more people on the left and the right were capable of it.

My mom flat out told me that when Obama drew moral equivalencies between Islamist terrorism and Western crusades, it was inexcusable because he’s evil, but when Trump draws them between Putin’s frequent

Remember that W&B had to devote hours and hours and hours going through masses of paper to prove who was where when, and with whom, etc. But they were paid journalists, so they had the time and access. Concerned citizens wouldn’t have either.

and also that neither of those things (regardless of what evidence is amassed) is going to take us back in time and change the result of the election

Exactly! (My tongue is only halfway in my cheek.) 

I love Robertson Davies. His books are kinda weird, but not librarian-and-bear weird.

The 70s, man. Shit.

Hey wait - why do you think werewolf romances are so popular?

(Disclosure: I’ve written werewolf romances.)