I’ve ridden the Galveston ferry while hungover. Twas hell.
I’ve ridden the Galveston ferry while hungover. Twas hell.
I happen to have bronchitis right now. I’ve had it hundreds of times, all my life, and I’ve cracked/bruised my ribs and even thrown up from coughing.
Thanks for this. It may sound fucked up but I’m fascinated by cults and the people who get sucked into them. I can’t help but read about Scientology and other weird shit. I’m gonna buy this book and I’m not supposed to be spending money on books right now so screw you buddy.
(But seriously - thanks!)
I completely understand what you’re saying - I do. And I don’t think it’s “no big deal.”
My thing about the “of their time” isn’t race based, it’s age based. Old men have fucked up ideas and standards, regardless of their color. A woman asked one of the more radical 60s civil rights activists - don’t know if it was…
I believe you, especially about the fact that no one likes the cheerleaders. No one ever likes cheerleaders except cheerleaders and the football players who want to bang em.
“Bow bender”??
Weird. Never heard that one.
Teenagers are fucking stupid - everyone knows this.
But adults saw this thing, and there’s no excuse for it getting past them.
May I just say —- Me too.
Wonderful comment - thank you.
I’m not gonna defend him, because you’re right. But I will say - he’s a man of his time and, from all accounts, he treats most people badly, not just women.
There’s no doubt of his poetic brilliance. But artistic brilliance doesn’t make someone a good person. Some of our greatest artists were monsters.
(He told someone…
You are absolutely right, I share your fear, and I’m disgusted that Obama, instead of curtailing executive overreach, including executive orders, as he promised to do, expanded it.
Precedent is a bitch for exactly this reason.
I’m a day late but was gonna weigh in on how badly this week sucks because I can’t shake the bronchitis and I’ve lost my voice.
Then I read your post and got over myself.
Tonight when I get bombed once again on Drambuie, I’ll lift my coffee mug to you and your hubs.
That happened to my sis. Two years to get pregnant with my oldest nephew. When he was about 6 months, she and her husband got a hotel room for his birthday and had Birthday Sex with no protection because they were drunk and besides, it takes her forever to get pregnant, right? So that’s why my two nephews are 15…
Aw come on. That’s just mean.
I’ve got an only, but she has cousins she sees very frequently. One of them is 9 years younger than her and we carpool together. She’s in 9th grade, he’s in 1st. He bugs the ever living shit out of her every morning - he’s good at it, and he knows it (he’s an only, too.)
She bitches about what a pain in the butt he is…
I kinda get it. I only have one because her birth was traumatically complicated and I had to have a complete hysterectomy. But I’d kind of only wanted one to begin with. When she was little my husband and I talked about theoretically adopting but it soon became clear we never would. She is such the perfect kid for us,…
Clearly, you don’t call your mother enough.
I hate Trump, the prospect gives me cold chills yada yada but okay — Oral Office is funny. It’s apt, and it’s funny as hell, and what are the fucking chances that of all the Republicans in all the land, HRC pulls DJT as her opponent? And he pulls her? Her husband’s as big a horn dog as Trump is — yes, of course Bill…
Honestly I’d be afraid to, for her own mental health’s sake. As I said, she’s on the spectrum, and she’s deeply unhappy and has no one but her mother and her cats. They’re not in cages 24/7 but I think they’re in there too often. I’ve been encouraging to let them roam the backyard- they’re not declawed and she has a…
Good for you!!! Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. I hope you and the therapist click!
YES. There often seems to be a big loneliness, detachment component to it. My MIL lives with her mom and has no social life at all. No close friends, and her relationship with her kids is prickly. It’s heartbreaking but it’s her.