
Good for you, for breaking the cycle and raising strong, healthy children. Your children are blessed and I bet they know it.


I am so lucky in my mom and in my daughter and I wish I could parent some of the hurting people I’m seeing on here.

Y’all are stronger than you know, and you can be better than your moms. My mom did it, and y’all can too.

And thank you for the perspective. My mom emotionally exhausts me sometimes but she was

“But she’s still your mom!”


I know it must be very hard to give that answer. I can’t claim to know how you feel. My 81 year old mom grew up with a depressed alcoholic mother who was in and out of mental institutions and a kind but enabling dad who kept telling her that her mom might drink less if she (my mom)

You’d be wrong.

I don’t think the article said she has to ask permission to buy coffee or a tune - just that it’s tracked at that level. Maybe they don’t give her a lot of walking around cash, make her use a credit card so they can see literally everything she spends money on.

Yes, and it’s painful. Very, very painful.

No. That’s wrong - you shouldn’t feel bad for finding something not funny that’s not funny. Just as being an all-female movie doesn’t necessarily make something unfunny, being an all-female movie doesn’t necessarily make something funny.

In other news, people are people and funny is funny and sometimes movies

Yep. I’m beginning to think it’s gonna suck, for reasons having nothing to do with vaginas.

Kate’s lifestyle has taken a semi-tragic toll on her face, esp. compared to Christie, Naomi, Helena and Cindy who are all older by a few years.

Ok, no, she’s not flat footed.

Part of it is being flat footed I think - is she? She looks it. I’m flat footed and that stompy stompy thing might be insurmountable.

Good Lord it is. I’ve never seen it before. I wonder why her agency hasn’t tried to teach her better?

Right? Bugs cannot go unkilled just because there’s no dick in the house.

She does not do windows. She’s a good cook and babysitter, though.

Oh of course. Individually wrapped and air tight straight from the boat.

No. No, I can’t. Then again, Whole Foods staff annoy the fuck out of me too, though honestly that’s my problem, not theirs - I’ve never had a bad experience there. It’s just the skinny dude with the wispy beard and the man bun and the wide plastic headband and the paper-looking roll up shorts - y’all know what I mean,

Here’s one - Captain Calamity, rescued 10 times as of 2013 - but I KNOW there was an old man as well so I’m gonna keep looking (it’s my lunch hour btw...I was actually finished with the 1940 Act research):

I’m supposed to be researching the Investment Company Act of 1940. Instead I’m gonna start searching for stories about the English guy who’s been rescued like a eleventy thousand times because he keeps getting in a wee lil boat and attempting to sail....somewhere...without compass, charts, supplies, radio, knowledge

E.L. James could never write anything this funny and meta.