
Right, because no one ever said or did anything disparaging regarding the last First Lady. Buy better crack, bucko.

Be happy to once she’s out of the White House. While she’s there, though? No. Comes with the territory.

Being a tall, skinny pretty person who can speak doesn’t preclude her from being judged.


“Which one of these buttons is for the penthouse?”

“How many opiates do I need to take to make me forget all this?”

I better get to the hospital because all of this edge has me hemorrhaging.

And hopefully we all have better things to do with our time than sit around rolling $81 in change.

Holy FUCK! I gotta open my carts!

I diagnose lots of people with celiac disease when they are referred for iron deficiency - which true celiac disease causes. The funny thing about people who truly have celiac disease is most of them have no idea. They have felt so bad for so long that they think it is normal and only notice they feel better once they

And lets not forget to critique the methodology of this study: fucking self-reporting. Because people don’t lie through their teeth when they are being asked questions they feel they’re being judged on at all.

Sorry, they should have faked being sensitive to your fake sensitivity.

But what does gluten do to people without Celiac’s? I can’t tell if this “craze” is on the Anti-Vaxxer side of things or people saw certain products not having gluten and automatically assumed it must be bad.

Oh God! After reading this, my fake gluten “sensitivity” fake started acting up!

I think if your even somewhat serious about doing anything with wood, you need both a table saw and a chop saw. Circular saws are fine only if you don’t give a shit about exact measurements. I literally never use my circular saw, it just does a terrible job compaired to the table saw.

Pawn shops are sometimes good if you need a specific tool.

I would say just skip the circular saw and get a miter saw first. Chances are you’ll end up cutting a lot of long skinny things to length before to need to cut something wider requiring a circular saw. I just finally got a miter saw and I kinda hate myself for bothering with a circular saw.


White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.