
I regularly ship cookies to friends and relatives everywhere. What I do is stack as many as I can in a Rubbermaid or Tupperware container then use small individually wrapped candies to fill any voids. When my brother was deployed that would be homemade caramels but for everyone else it’s usually Glitterati candies.

Yeah this seems petty. If they were located in competing markets I’d understand. But is anyone really going to be like, “Woah I WAS going to drive 900 miles to The Staggering Ox just for a one-of-a-kind sandwich but now I don’t have to and it’s all because of Half Brothers Brewing Co!”

I married into a family with several members. It’s apparently less occultish and way more frat party than the conspiracy theories seem to think. Grown men peeing on trees, getting wasted and being clique-y.

Once there are presents there you have to pull them out of the way, untie the tree skirt (cat likes dipping her paw in it and then tracking the water over the gifts), water it and then replace everything 1-2 times a day. That gets annoying especially considering this is my absolute most busy time of the year. Still, I

Yeah that seems sort of... eh. Adding insult to injury for his wife. Cheat on her and then air their dirty laundry for his fans - who are likely blaming her now for his absence because that’s how those people are. Humiliation and vilification on top of betrayal. He’s true to his name.

My mom’s is my favorite. She uses sweetened condensed milk in place of the sugar and a little malted milk powered as well. Whole vanilla bean. Green & Black’s cocoa. Topped with homemade marshmallows.

Being someone who definitely prefers older partners I’m down with this. And because that’s very much my thing, I tend to remember when people shit on it. And these comments have been very, very different when the consenting adults were of different genders. The top comments usually contained words like “creepy”,

As annoyed as I get at my iDevices... Android devices irritate me to no end. I’m PCMR but for my portables I’m stuck with Apple. I have an Android phone for work, an ancient Kindle and a few Fire TVs that I settled for because they’re cheap and will work until I get around to building a Windows media center. So it’s

Yeah I’d think the chances are higher since it’s not a chance of a random person matching your facial features. I have 4 brothers and 3 can unlock one’s iPhone X. Same for my mom and myself. So it’s not so much the number of people “out there”, but the likelihood of those few people being the ones with the most direct

The BBC too. How disappointing.

Medford and that area of Oregon are not like the further north areas of the PNW. It is notoriously dry in that region. Wildfires are not uncommon ruiners of summer parties. I’d totally buy that the car didn’t rust much in those conditions.

*Maple sugar

Yeah and I don’t spend time with those kind of people. Except on the 1-3 occasions a year where I must. I wouldn’t miss Thanksgiving with my family for anything, but there will still be a couple of people there who I don’t care for. I think the point of this article everyone is missing is that this is a day where you

2pm isn’t too early! We don’t have a late breakfast. You have coffee and something light for breakfast. 2pm means most people are gone by 5pm and you can still catch a movie or nap or if you’re especially terrible, do some shopping. It’s great. We normally go to a movie and then come back and have seconds.

I have teen and tween nieces and nephews. I think on the whole this generation is just more aware of consequences. They’ve seen too many examples of the “what’s the worse that can happen?!” attitude that my generation seemed to embrace. To the point now that they’re just... too good. A few of them and their friends

Our entire Thanksgiving meal is from scratch. Except for the King’s Hawaiian rolls that are plated next to my great gran’s fluffy yeast rolls.

My brother was in the Marines and he’ll agree with you any day.

My name is Athena.

It is very much a thing. I didn’t realize it until I was a nanny for a gorgeous little black girl and had to fend off curious hands. Like protecting this baby’s head from touchy strangers became a regular part of my job. I know people do that with all kids - but with her it was way more often and invasive than I’d

Ok so I’m sure many men are scrambling to remember if they’ve ever been inappropriate with another person. You’d think instead of crossing your fingers that your victim won’t come forward, you’d take a pro-active step of reaching out to apologize.