
Has no real meaning anymore? Wha? It’s a font. It’s used because it’s easy on the eyes. It doesn’t require meaning beyond that.

I have one of those keychain windshield breakers that is also a seatbelt slasher. Having one guarantees I’ll never actually need it. Unless I lose it and then that’s the day I’ll need it.

Taj > Tamara > Tia

I thought we had gal.

omg when my mom signs up/in to any website that uses your email address as your login (basically all of them) she infrickinevitably tries to use her email account’s password to log in, then when it OF COURSE says that this is the incorrect password she assumes she’s been hacked (you’d think my mother was a politician

Mackenzie wouldn’t allow Brayden and Layken to eat dairy, artificial colors or refined sugars. Not even once.

Cats live longer healthier lives inside. I used to feel bad about cooping my cat up when I’d see her hugged against a window looking outside. So I’ve given her supervised outside time and she wants nothing of it. We installed a pet door for the dogs and there’s nothing stopping her from going outside other than the

I can smell the fedora on his posts.

Came to say this. I’ve sold every generation of iPhone I’ve had on eBay and gotten way more than any of these sites offered. These sites will severely under cut your price if the phone isn’t in pristine condition. On eBay a cracked screen still got me over $300 for my old 4S. Even with shipping and the seller’s fee I

Bland baby foods seems to be a western thing. I asked my mom what my first food was and she answered, “Whatever we had for dinner run through a masher”. So probably some kind of kimchi and skate fish.

Legit question: Is rare meat safe for kids? If not what’s the age where it becomes ok?


Facebook and Instagram automatically strip EXIF from photos upon upload. So a lack of metadata isn’t necessarily a sign of doctoring.

But she likes pizza! She’s just like us!

Re-sold for $3500 because the amount of alterations on account of my height really limited the pool of potential buyers.

Comic books? Illustrations coming to life? It’s not anymore outlandish than aliens and Nazis from S2.

Yeah I also thought it was ridiculous. But wedding expenses for the most part I don’t get critical about. Generally a lot of it is going to local small businesses and artists (florists, caterers, salons, graphic artists, photographers, tailors, etc) so it’s not as if cash is being thrown into a barrel and set ablaze.