
Never heard of them before either and after this article a quick glance at Wikipedia I’m failing to see what’s so fascinating about a family of wealthy Nazi sympathizers.

I really wish she’d run for some sort of political office.

The NYT had to throw in questioning about why she was alone and why she would have expensive jewelry.

I’m starting to think Trump supporters don’t read anything. Maybe except memes. They like memes.

By only casting Samuel L. Jackson as the lone POC... isn’t he doing exactly what he’s complaining about The Brady Bunch?

This was my favorite part about running a P Patch garden club with kids. We grew a pizza garden full of tomatoes, basil, parsley, oregano, garlic and beautiful jewel toned red and orange peppers. Their little minds were blown. 

When I was in elementary I remember this happening at the high school across the street several times. To the point that it didn’t make the news or even become a topic of much conversation. Once or twice a month we’d see all the high schoolers standing around in the parking lot playing hacky sack and we’d hear our

I have to admit I loved this foundation. I’ve been slowly transitioning all my beauty supplies to cruelty free and this was the absolute last item I weaned myself from. Foundation isn’t even something I wear most days. Thankfully Napoleon Perdis’s Sheer Genius fit the bill pretty well. The only downside is I have to

I have to admit I loved this foundation. I’ve been slowly transitioning all my beauty supplies to cruelty free and

How could you forget touch lamps?

Normally I’d say the same thing. But I much prefer it to Trump coverage so it’s a welcome distraction.

I read somewhere that she dresses him for events and photos in a sort of recognizable uniform so that it becomes part of our (the public and the paparazzi) idea of what George looks like. So when he goes on play dates or just doesn’t want attention she can dress him like a normal kid and he isn’t as recognizable.

That was my thinking as I read the title. I’m a klutz. Also I have pets who like to walk on me as I sleep. Jerks.

My parents have one of these and I love it so much. Christmas turkey was done in an hour. Pre-assembled a bunch of the desserts and side dishes the day before. Zapped them to bubbly hot in this thing in under 5 minutes.

I don’t scrub my whole leg. Mainly I take a wash cloth to my knees, ankles/tops of my feet. The motion of rubbing my hand over the rest of my legs while rinsing these areas seems to be enough. The arms are the same way - I just scrub at my elbows.

So I mean... Angelina Jolie is a beautiful woman. But we all age and she is no exception. If anything people seem to be surprised to hear that she’s 6 years younger than Aniston (and only 1 year older than Cotillard) because she does appear a little older. And that’s understandable considering she has 6 children and a

Purely anecdotal but I’m in my 20s and I don’t know anyone my age who watches these things. My parents and older co-workers do. My friends and I will watch Conan remotes on YouTube or if there’s a particular celeb we like doing a bit on Fallon or Colbert. But actually sit in front of a TV at whatever o’clock to catch

Because of the way Brad and Angelina got together I could never see them as some classic Hollywood couple. It always seemed like some selfish stunt. That they involved 6 children in it made it so much more sad expecting the inevitable.

This sounds eerily similar. He used cinder blocks to hold up the broken corner. This guy was my post long term relationship rebound and he was 18 to my 25. He was very clingy for those whole two weeks.

I’d only do it if the Good Sister thought it was ok and I’d split the money with her. MoH is just a title. I’d still be thanking GS in my speech, including her in photos and basically pissing off Bad Sister by making GS the obvious focus of attention (well you know, aside from the groom and myself).

This is great.