
Maybe this. I’m half Korean on my mother’s side, mostly Irish on my father’s. My sister and I have features that are less obviously Asian than our brothers’ (I’m freckled and she’s blonde). I kind of feel like I’m cheating by just saying I’m Korean when I can easily pass as white or just be ethnically ambiguous and

Woo guy? I hate woo guy.

Beat me!

I love all those Lifetime movies. And ugh Hallmark channel Christmas movies, so awful but so good. Going without those was the hardest part about cancelling our cable.

I have these too and I really like them. I did have software problems like the first week because it was the same time I had upgraded to Win 10. I just removed the software suite and used the basic drivers. Zero issues since then. I love the lack of wires so much that I find myself using them for more than gaming

I have these too and I really like them. I did have software problems like the first week because it was the same

It was about about $1100 total for 2 dogs and 1 cat which is still a crazy amount of money. At least they threw in nail clippings and ear cleanings for free while they were under.

Some people do it daily but it’s like a once a week or once every other week thing for us (2 dogs, 1 cat). I also put some pet mouthwash addictive in their drinking water occasionally. I had teeth problems as a kid and dental pain is the most horrific pain I’ve ever endured in my entire life and I cannot stand to

I thought it was to highlight how people who do these sort of things aren’t mythical monsters from places unknown. They’re neighbors and co-workers and star athletes.

I literally know every word to this movie and only now is it all sinking in.

This was true for me in Oregon, too. I was so familiar with all my schools’ nurses. I can’t imagine a school without one. Who’s gonna give you raisins and put a heating pad on your stomach when you fake a belly ache to get out of P.E. on any day other than rainbow parachute day?

I’m guessing this too. I’ve gotten texts/FB messages from guy friend’s wives and girlfriends telling me to cover up. People can be jerks.

Jokes I made before ever hearing them: “I’m not racist, the only race I don’t like is when I have to run!” That Dave Chappelle joke about men liking nice cars because women like nice cars. Years before it ever aired, a friend “invented” the skit from the Chappellle Show about the blind black KKK member. That was

Actually this sounds like something I should try soon

This has been what I’ve tried to stick to since becoming An Adult. Because of my weird size/shape I have to get things altered to fit just right. Even nice quality items... maybe especially nice quality items because if I’m spending this much I want it to fit perfect. So before buying anything I have to ask myself,

At my house this just means I took a bunch of boxes from Costco to make carrying all my peanut butter, juice and bulk ibuprofen easier.

Sarcasm > false/anecdotal information

I’d think the cheaper renter’s insurance and lack of property taxes would cover that maintenance fee. At least if you live somewhere like Texas or New Jersey where you’re paying almost 2%. I guess you could always do what corporations do and plant a few Christmas trees to get an agricultural exemption and avoid paying

My SO has a kid I don’t really like. I love kids. I really do. But this one is kind of a whiny dick. I’ve never had a kid in my family cry or act like this one has, especially at the age of 10. Top that off with a tiny amount of admittedly unfair resentment over the fact that he can’t just leave her in Canada with her

November 29th and yes it is great. Too soon for Christmas lumping but those relatives who never bother giving your siblings birthday gifts because you only see them once or twice a year *have* to get you something because they’ll be over drinking all your parent’s booze. But since most of them forget to get you an

I can’t watch anything with my parents that has references to people fornicating. I cannot do it. If I even know a kissing scene is about to happen, I make an excuse to leave the room for a few minutes before it even starts.