Bitter Old Dude

Re EV charging: I think the business model will bifurcate into two: 

It's like arguing with a Rogan fan.

This is a crappy argument. You think name brands should be accessible to all? Why? It’s not important. I think good food should be available to all and I still find nice stuff in Nyc at thrift stores that I do not resell. As I have been doing since the 90's. One can still find nice not off brand things. 

Campaign slogan suggestion: “I got mine, so fuck you.”

Honestly, the more likely situation is “Caitlyn Jenner, hopeless has-been fame addict, agrees to publicity stunt in order to squeeze out just a tiny drop more of public attention, and hires most effective ass-polisher to buff her backside for interim.”

So here’s a syllogism:

Gay man are just as misogynistic as Pat Robertson. For real!

Looking at you asbestos companies too. And, it wouldn’t surprise me if the oil companies got a taste eventually given the information coming out about how long they’ve know the consequences of hydrocarbon burning and what they’ve done to “mitigate” that knowledge (not the consequences obviously).

This is the one point that Jason touched on, but never outright stated in the article, although there have been no dearth of articles from Jalopnik on it before. If they called it “Fancy lane-following adaptive cruise control” no one would have a problem, and no one would be filming themselves napping while using it.


Not just locomotives. Centrifugal governors were/are used in a variety of industries. They were highly visible on early locomotives and traction engines though.

“Watching the full video, however gave a far different impression”

Where the new design? It’s a perfectly fine looking sedan, but I see nothing new of exciting.

Yep. Grocery store cake tastes like sugar-coasted cardboard. No flavor, too dry, and over-loaded with sugar. Perfect for people who live in the midwest. For those with even minimum sense of taste (other than sweet), though, not so good.

What a fucking joke. There are people making minimum wage digging ditches, working themselves to death in the gig economy for a pittance, and being brutalized and debased by Amazon in Orwellian nightmare factories—and there’s a corporate executive making minimum seven-figures a year (without bonuses, and not

What went wrong? None of these programs were widely marketed, most of them were never even widely available. Cost and limitations can be factored in as well.

How about you lay off the "adult virgin is secretly gay" jokes.


Except that people forget just how much federal money goes into subsidizing freeways and airports.

This is fascinating - your household regularly takes two simultaneous and independent road trips of more than 250 miles a day??

That’s funny you say that. When I was in Costa Rica, which has perhaps the smallest police force in the world, there wasn’t lawlessness everywhere. In fact, you might call it a paradise.