
On this single issue, Rand is correct. Govt. spending caps are a good thing.

Limitless spending from both parties is driving the next generation into a potentially insurmountable debt hole. Already, one of the biggest federal budget items is simply *INTEREST* on our existing federal debt. This threatens the entire

I really wish this was written more concisely. The narrative is dense, wandering and convoluted. A simple, chronological timeline of who and what happened would help tell this story immensely.

These movies had so much HEART. Reeve just oozes love, kindness and humanity. Something that no Superman actor has been able to replicate since.

Now playing

Primal Rage - the Jurassic Park meets Mortal Kombat arcade game was extremely fun. Rewatching it today makes me cringe at how easily entertained I was as a kid.

The discussion is about the power structure in a multi-billion industry.

Did you not see the part where he cost the Dodgers the World Series because he could not stop tipping his pitches?

Ever stop to think that Xander is supposed to be awful?
That he’s an example of the pressure men can put on women?
That even friends can make life choices incredibly difficult?

Cubs fans think even articles about the AL needs to be all about them.

Laziest article ever. Couldn’t even copy and paste what the headline promises.

So where did you purchase it?