Whatever Dude

I thought it was odd they didn’t air this since the commentators were so excited about the win. Yet we got a Phelps countdown clock. The guy is the King and a legend but it would have been nice to give Manuels her due.

NBC= No Black Champions?


Annual deaths from alcohol: 88,000

Or Opiods. People get off those easily right?

This is what always kills me when this comes up. I can walk a half block from my apartment to a bar and legally fuck myself up 8 ways till Sunday, on Sunday, and this is cool. Yet if I smoke a bowl on my front stoop on that same Sunday, I could be arrested. Meanwhile, I would be much more inclined to get shit done

The agency added that weed has the potential for “severe psychological or physical dependence.”

The question is not “is marijuana good for you?” The question is “Does marijuana cause a societal harm so insidious that we should be willing to incarcerate people for having it?”

I just binge read Under The of Heaven, and I don’t think I’ve recovered enough to think about what a rape victim must go through at BYU. Nope. Just not ready to face that today.

Time to bring out my favorite ever BYU testing center story. When my seminary teacher went to BYU way back when, women weren’t allowed to wear pants in the testing center. Well, she needed to take a test one day when she was wearing pants and a long trench coat, so instead of going home to change, she snuck into a

I took my biochemistry final in short shorts and a crop top. As I’m sure you know, this resulted in my IQ dropping 50 points and I failed my exam. Oh wait, nope, not even slightly true.

Nah, he just cherry-picks it, ignoring the First Amendment and the Supremacy Clause because they won’t let him impose his religious views on others.

Jeebus, can’t you just enjoy the fact that these people didn’t find it awkward and the daughter was happy and the dude was happy?

“The so-called Satanic Temple group is a handful of atheists masquerading as so-called Satanists. This group is not legitimate. Its only reason to exist is to oppose the Good News Clubs. The Good News Clubs teach morals, character development, patriotism and respect from a Christian viewpoint. Public schools welcome

I wish these morons would just be honest and say that “religious freedom” to them means free reign for Christainity and restriction/suppression for any other religion or belief system. I'd have more respect for them if they were at least up front about their fuckery rather than trying to mask their hypocrisy with a


The part I love is how they complain about the “politically motivated” indictments, and yet their whole “sting operation”, which has failed to produce any actual evidence of wrong-doing, is now part of the Republican party platform. Total coincidence! Not politically motivated at all! Nothing to see here folks!

Effectively this means that neither Daleiden nor the Center for Medical Progress will see any legal repercussions for their sting videos.

He’s no more a journalist than James O’Keefe. That is, he’s no journalist at all. He’s a scumbag. He’s not Nellie Bly faking insanity to investigate an asylum. He’s a pure political actor.

I just heard about a judge in NV ordering a tat-covered neo-Nazi robber to apply make-up so the jury isn't biased. Meanwhile, in the Midwest we have a judge putting a black female attorney in jail over a BLM pin. Now in TX we have these two assholes who walked away from a mess because reasons. America was never great