Whatever Dude

it’s depressing that doing it is enough to make people think a man’s a saint.

Growing up, Paterno was God in my house. We didn’t go to church.

I’m more surprised they didn’t take a page from the Catholic Church and pay off victims quietly and out of court, which proves the Catholic Church knew what it was doing was wrong.

I’m a Penn State alumnus and I was totally on board with Paterno’s downfall. My position then was that he could not have possibly been ignorant about what was going on, not with so many victims and over so much time. Furthermore, Joe Paterno ran Penn State, the buck stopped with him, nobody had more power at that

Tweeted yesterday. “Truth no matter who tells it”, does this include victims, Jay?

From a Penn Stater whose opinion of Paterno is always open to new info:

As a Penn Stater, I always held out a little hope that Paterno truly didn’t know and that he was telling the truth but i always acknowledged that it was a real possibility that he did. This just confirms it for me. Fuck that guy.

Double-down on distraction with “yeah but look at the GOOD he did.”

Or if you’re a Penn State football and New England Patriots fan, you would choose answer 2a:

I fully expect Jay Paterno or some other dipshit in the family to come out with some version of #1 and 2 combined before the end of the day. All the mouth breathing Paternoites will line up behind him singing the chorus.

My wife is from Central PA, didnt go to PSU nor did her relatives, yet they’re all “fans” of PSU even after the whole massive child molestation scandal because DURR!! FOOTBALL!!. They recently bought my 3 yr old son a PSU shirt which makes me wretch every time I see the damn thing. It’s going in the fucking chimnea