
Note for tourists: When you’re in New York, resist the urge to buy the cheaper Pubic Sternum Patch Kids candy from the streetside “vendors.” Not sure it’s worth the gamble.

This whole story rubbed me the wrong way from the announcement. I grew up safe and comfortable in the knowledge that Kyle Katarn defected from the Empire and became the Alliance’s top agent, stealing the Death Star plans and becoming one of the most prominent Jedi in the aftermath of the Galactic Empire.

If only their aim was true.

I agree, although I’m a bigger fan of ship-to-ship battles, particularly on a capital scale. Say what you will about the prequels, Episode III’s opening with the ships going all broadside on each other was pretty sweet.

Because in terms of consistency it makes no logical sense. The Empire, who use a homogeneous force for ease of supply and production, suddenly having lots of one-off design tanks, armour, and weapons makes no sense as a result.

I just love the focus on the rebel ground war. I think I read somewhere that they hired real Marines for some of the Stormtroopers.

My only criticism of the trailer and the film is that while they’re introducing cool new stuff they’re once again adding cool stuff that the Empire chronologically will never use again, which makes it look odd in retrospect.

Shilling? That involves money, right?


“You have bested me”

It’s a Trilby you uncultured cad!

He should be careful not to over-commit Anonymous. What with ending ISIS, they may not be able to get to this until October. September if they rush said dismantling of an international terror organization.

Well they were the people who were ruining an otherwise fantastic game for the rest of us.

Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.

The shitshow is reserved for the aquatic sports.

These are all questions you should be asking AFTER you shoot someone.

Odds are still good that it’ll be a literal shitshow considering the sanitation situation...

Like feeling warm and chunky all over?

Well the smell of shit makes me want to vomit.

I figured the Olympics in Rio would be a shitshow, but a vomitshow? That’s setting a whole new bar, guys.