
What exactly were you looking forward to? What amazing features and gameplay have you been robbed of?

Probably the “game” they had then was nothing like the trailer they made for the Expos. There was a nice article on Kotaku about trailers for trade shows and how they sometimes have nothing to do with the actual game that is later released (Bioshock Infinite comes to mind).

To say that “she loved her daughter”, but the culture of shame made her do it, is nothing more than making excuses for unforgivable behaviour. No matter how indoctrinated someone is, it takes a special kind of evil to burn your child alive.

There is a Kanon?
I know “Ghost in the Shell” since the manga release, every iteration changed a certain amount. The last iteration had the least connections to the original story...

Only thing embarrassing here is your post.

And the funny part is if it was an adaptation of a Western media it’s be the exact opposite and the people from the original location still wouldn’t care!

Man, both the racism against those actors, and the sexism against the Ghostbusters Reboot are all so delicious. Makes me really happy that the internet outrage culture as no say in anything.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; in the entirety of Koukaku Kidoutai canon I don’t recall it ever once being stated that Motoko Kusanagi’s full-cyborg prosthetic body is asian in appearance.

The other takeaway here is don’t ride a bike you can’t lift. At least, I was always taught that if you can’t heave it back up once you drop it, you shouldn’t be riding it in the first place...

Z is being an asshole because traffic was light and there was no reason for the driver to be in that lane at all unless he was passing. He was clearly not passing and was blocking, per the conversation on the video. This is why amateur Barney Fifes out there are dangerous too.

Not trying to defend the truck but this is just a reminder to those lane blockers who want to prove something. Irrational people exist. They will try to kill you for pointless shit. It’s easier to just let them pass. You’re not doing anyone a favor by escalating the situation.

He’s definitely not passing. His position relative to the car in the other lane doesn’t change throughout the entire video... until he gets rammed.

Yeah, something must have happened beforehand, because they most certainly are not trying to pass, they’re going the same speed continually next to the car in the right lane. Regardless, if I’m in a Z and some Ram is about to run into my rear, I think I’m taking off and getting off the highway and to the nearest

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this is probably the case? it’d take a lot to get a bro to scrape up his pickup.

my favorite is the “can we re-buy the game on a new account?”

like, they spent $50 on original game, plus $30 on hack.
that’s $80 for a few days.
then they want to buy it again.

brain damage.

The tears... they taste so sweet.

Who can say what a cheater’s true intentions are. My guess is he’d install the new game, get destroyed a few times and say “ok, that’s it, here comes the aimbot again.” I can’t recall many games where your hardware is permanently banned from the game though. I could see credit cards, emails, etc. being banned, but

Haha yup, no sympathy what so ever.

I relish their salty tears.