
Who said it does? I never said that. Just like the experiences of some minorities will never negate what I experienced. My point was that you don’t have to be a minority in the US to experience racial discrimination. Some white people face the same discrimination in the US and elsewhere. If you have never experienced

No Travis, because anyone who is an adult yet still calls peoples’ opinions “dumb” could never offend me.

I’ve been a backer since day one but I don’t know if the game will hold my attention. I also backed Pillars of Eternity, but there was just so much reading it was literally like opening a novel each time I played. That’s fine, but it became a bit too much. I think Torment will be the same type of game so it’s hard to

If opinions offend you, I must suggest you stop visiting this site.

I agree about nuclear power. People are afraid of science, but that’s changing with every generation. Solar needs a huge advancement in tech to be comparable. Nuclear is clean and relatively safe. And carbon caps won’t happen in the US because so many industries would suffer. But there are CAFE standards in effect and

I am white, and I’ve been discriminated against since I was a child. I grew up in a city that was 60% black. I was one of only 2 white kids in my first grade class and our teacher was a black racist who despised both of us. And then later, me and my white friends were threatened for even walking through the

What color are you? Are you a white devil too?

And I suppose the only people who should be allowed to tell others not to do drugs are actual drug abusers? And the only people who can be considered experts of psychological disorders must also have those exact disorders?

So, white people are no longer qualified to discuss oppression? Got it. You’re not racist at all sir.

If you really considered anything in that video to be offensive then I have to ask how you’ve been so sheltered in life? There was no threat of bodily harm, no physical violence, no profanity.... Do you watch much television?

Well, I think accusing someone of being “blonde” is also a racial injustice, considering she may not have any control over her hair color. After all, you’re accusing white women who are attractive of being stupid. I guess only ugly women with dark hair are qualified to discuss serious commentary on the state of the

Way to be sexist, winner!

Get used to it. As more third-world countries graduate to better quality foods (cattle, goats, swine, etc.), there must be space for them to graze. And that equates to millions of acres of rain forest and trees being cut down to facilitate that. Also, the populations of those third-world countries are working now, and

Not blaming the victim here, but why are these females stupid enough to attend parties with this type of people? If they don’t know what happens to girls who hang with these guys, then they need to stay in the company of a parent or guardian at all times. It’s 2016, and they’re still knowingly taking Xanax, plus

I’m glad to see this happening. The Colorado is a great truck that deserves some aftermarket attention. It outperforms the competition, but I think many people might not be aware of that. Seeing them tearing it up on the dunes would be great advertising.

Chris Brown is a convicted felon, therefore he would not be allowed to own any guns. So what are you even talking about?

As much as the Colorado hunts for gears, I can see it being even more of an issue. I do sincerely hope that the 8-speed is better at downshifting than the 6-speed is. The truck has no idea where the power band is, and that led to a feeling of sluggishness before I fixed it all with the Diablo programmer. :)

According to GM, there aren’t “issues” with the new Colorado, because they programmed the trucks to behave a certain way (sluggish, hunting for gears, staying in too high of a gear). I guess the reasoning is that if the truck moves slowly in a gear higher than it should be in, people will just deal with it and the

In all fairness, I’m pretty sure the new drivetrain is good for slightly better torque, but it’s still not worth the extra gears and DOD/AFM (cylinder deactivation). I know I probably sound like a salesman, but tuning my 2016 Colorado with a programmer fixed the issues I had with the truck, and I don’t see GM fixing

Agreed. The throttle modulation on my Colorado sucked from the factory. Using the Diablo programmer fixed that problem, as well as the wimpy transmission tune from the factory. I can honestly say that installing a better tune made it feel like a completely different vehicle, with better fuel economy.