Kinjas in the Outfield

The choreographer’s fault? Hilary can’t even recreate her own moves lol. It’s clear they tried to work with her skillset and this is the best they could hope for.

Chrissy not getting the point of “Squid Game” is very on brand. I just wish she knew that was her brand.

In many ways it seems like The Midwest is just discovering racism. It’s inspiring that Minneapolis has been so in favor of eliminating the police state while Chicago wants more and more of it.

I just don’t think you have to slavishly adhere to a specific schedule.

lol glad other people are finally clocking this too. Netflix had to lean in to get their money’s worth and Dave felt personally offended that his social commentary devoid of Black criticism is boo boo.

I don’t think the lit part of the cigarette went into her coochie. What likely happened was the mouth part was dipped in there like an au jus. We have to remember that Sonja would have been in her 30's during the Clinton Era and he liked to flavor his cigars too.

lol that part. Dave Chapelle’s whole act was being unapologetic. What happened is he realized that he has no material if he’s not making fun of black people. Now he’s insecure because he knows this new stuff is just pandering and not his best.

Fun tidbit from all of this: Netflix is desperate to salvage this Chappelle special because according to the leak, they paid him more than they’re making. The views were below what they expected for his last special and they already paid him upfront. What I don’t get is why they think potentially tanking the whole

Dave Chapelle is scared that he’s washed. He left comedy because white execs loved his black stereotypes. Now he thinks this is some sort of revenge tour when in reality he is just scared that he has no more material left after his “awakening” or whatever.

That part. They use this convenient dichotomy of LGBTQ people being white and straight people being black to skirt around how it isn’t a black thing. These folks will gladly excuse white people’s racism as long as they are straight but condemn black people who don’t identify as straight to more violence.

I am beyond tired of an entire political party being professional trolls. Grow the fuck up.

I don’t know if you’ve met any fashion people in your time but they are surface level thinkers. I don’t just mean vapid and superficial. I mean in the sense that aesthetic is the motivation with context only being considered if it’s a throwback to another look. The biggest players are all people who don’t think about

Don’t be dense. The first person is arguing that American Black connotations aren’t always global. You’re just arguing in bad faith because you’re biased.

I’m sure it was torture for Jen too now that we know Jake showers once a week.

Fuck. I just remembered I need to get my flu shot lol.

Straight as in no curves. Don’t be dense.

So fucking tired of “body positivity for me, not for thee.” Not only is it hypocritical but it’s also the ultimate weak bitch mindset lol. How are you gonna break under the pressure you exert on others?

Because teaching “is a woman’s job” so you already know what time it is with that loser

The disenfranchisement that happens as a result is going to be blamed on Elizabeth Warren thinking banks shouldn’t control our lives or Rashida Tlaib saying fuck, not Synema blowing our lead. You can still find loads of people blaming Bernie Sanders for the current state of the Supreme Court.

I am wondering what they hoped they would accomplish with this bit of theatre. Maybe they needed an excuse to get the two most “political” people off the air so Kamala could just run through her script?