Kinjas in the Outfield

I have been trying to think about why so many people like Tamisha Iman despite her not doing very much on the show and I think it’s because she added some sorely needed authenticity. The American RuPaul franchises have felt heavily overproduced the past few years and she gave us realness. I had no doubt that her on

I honestly don’t even think the person who wrote it knows what that’s supposed to mean.

This is how I know that these aren’t misguided people or folks making bad decisions. If crazy conservatives think that these cops are just incompetent, it means the cops are killing people on purpose.

The guy running Internal Affairs for a police department thinks a teenage sociopath was ordained by God to commit racial murders and people think we need reform not abolition. LOL.

Andrew Yang is Bernie Sanders for people who think “humanitarian capitalism” is a thing.

You could easily rewrite this title as, “What Has Andrew Yang Ever Done?” and still be correct.

Raise your hand if you’re tired of Joan Summers having the taste level of someone ordering chicken fingers every time they go out to eat.

I know that pandemic has us acting all a little weird but you might want to book a telehealth appointment with a therapist if being a troll/George Washington apologist for 5 likes is how you’re spending your time.

Baby we don’t need this shit.

I have always admired Kourtney Kardashian for being perhaps the most honest one of the bunch. She has said before that she doesn’t want a job because she is rich and doesn’t see the point in working. There is no “mixed baby” fantasy to get approval from others. She doesn’t really care about the men in her life because

Drag Race is turning into Top Model. Nobody cared past Cycle 10 but it went for 24 of them because the network wants cheap content where the exec producer is the show.

I don’t understand how Hollywood is so homophobic when it is so damn gay.

Am I the only one who never felt any chemistry between them?

Besides that, I am tired of shoe-horning ever male character with Liv. The most annoying one was hinting there was something there with Barba. Barba?! That man is gay lol. Can’t nobody tell me that a man that well dressed, sassy, and interested in a single wom

The youngest millenial would be 25. I would be very disappointed if people that age and up had stan accounts.

Stans are a byproduct of the “No Child Left Behind” strategy. I feel like Gen Z kids go in one of two directions. Either they’re very self aware and think critically about the world, perhaps more than any other generation before them, or they take on the identities of media personalities as their own and act

It will always irritate me that her brains matched with his charisma got him to the White House but his inability to behave is what ruined the Clinton and Democrat reputation for decades. That she is willing to go down with that ship gives me cause for side eye too but at least it’s her choice.

That’s the worrisome part. If this looks like it might pass, they are literally gonna be out in those streets like mass shooters.

I think Chrissy Teigen made the right choice in abandoning Twitter. She was trying to position herself as a “benevolent” Kardashian and that paradox was starting to damage her brand. You can’t be down-to-earth and also whine about how hard it is to be rich. That whole family leans into being vapid and it seems as if

Ya know, for a bunch of people who claim that every progressive idea under the sun will cost Democrats to lose seats, they sure as hell don’t seem to have those same objections about the guy who cost his wife the Presidency. The Clintons need to go away. Nothing energizes the Republican base more than seeing them.

Can’t tell if the person who replied is a typical Kinja troll or a neolib “I don’t see color” type. Either way, three of the victims in the Atlanta shooting: