Kinjas in the Outfield

Ding ding. Meghan McCain doesn’t have a job on The View because she’s someone who just happens to work at a place we’re a fly on the wall at. TV execs know who they are putting on the air.

This would have worked much better as a “rich people have problems too” piece back in 2018 than image rehab during a pandemic.

I appreciate Paris Hilton doing this for sexual assault but it swerved almost entirely into Rose McGowan “this is my chance for more limelight” territory quickly.

Thank you for putting Hispanic in quotes. It never ceases to amuse me that folks will lose their shit over Latinx but don’t make a peep over the use of a word made popular by the Nixon administration specifically to keep tabs on the growing population of Spanish speaking immigrants. Acting like Christopher Columbus

This person was only allowed to be black because it meant a Wisconsin school checking a diversity box without having to do the work. Literally the only explanation because this one should have fooled no one. Black biracial people will almost immediately tell you what parent was what race, sometimes without being

Anybody who tells me that LaSalle Corrections didn’t purposely seek out this guy is lying or dumb. They knew a dirty OBGYN would be willing to do this if the pay was right.

I wish I had your optimism. George W Bush hasn’t been out of office for 20 years and both Michelle Obama and Ellen have been trying to make us love him.

Funny you should say that because he had to pay restitution for Medicare fraud back in 2015.

I’m sorry but it takes time to process and learn how to not use false arrests against a woman you don’t like? Even removing the racial dynamics from the equation, she still seems pretty awful and fucking stupid.

People who only create consequences but never suffer them loooooove to be messy and then play victim.

Well I’m glad she blew the whistle but this honestly reeks of “bridge too far.” Like ma’am you were working at an ICE detention center. You didn’t have a problem with how they was “losing” kids?

I am calling neglect. They didn’t want to take on the bill and were in denial about their kid getting worse. We definitely shouldn’t have a healthcare system that makes people weigh the option between lifelong debt and death but we also shouldn’t have parents making those decisions for their kids.

Because it’s under NBC

I still can’t get over that. At best, it’s a really transparent and unbelievable lie, which I guess Republicans aren’t above. At worst, he groomed a kid.

So how long until he comes out as the GOP’s gay star?

The only straight men I know who apply makeup and use people of other ethnicities/races as props are professional wrestlers.

I thought Mark Ruffalo was gonna take away attention from the situation but sharing a pic of his spread cheeks. Rude.

I can see why folks might think Kim K is making waist trainers for pregnant people but Jameela has something to say about everything except her very straight cisgender ass being on that ballroom show. Weird for her to comment on having no integrity when trying to get a bag.

Damn where have all the hoteptresses from Twitter gone? The ones who were talking about how she’s an Asian and thus thinks black people steal so she doesn’t acknowledge her blackness.

I hate to say it but this whole family must be dumb as fucking rocks. I feel bad for these kids because the parents got a whole lot of trickle down stupid going on. There’s just too many instances of not doing the right thing with all that money like Georgia ain’t a fuckin mess that could use all the black support it

Gender reveals are so cringe. The only thing worse is those “I’m pregnant” pranks where the husband is disappointed and angry. I’ve become heterophobic as a result.

I’m always surprised at how quickly Battlestar Galactica went off the rails. I really liked Season 1 and then it just kept getting ridiculously worse. I don’t know how so many nerds consider it the best show ever when Lee Adama wore a fat suit. A FAT SUIT.

I don’t think they meant that she doesn’t know but that she doesn’t really care. She’s heard the rumors and the accusations but hasn’t gone deeper than that because making money is more important.