Kinjas in the Outfield

The thing that I really appreciate more than ever about this is that Anita Hill has demonstrated the difference in choosing the best path for those who have been/will be harmed instead of using phrases like “purity tests” or “cancel culture” to let people off the hook at the drop of a hat to get what she wants. Greg Gutfeld is a for real conservative? When I first saw “Red Eye” I always thought he was their snarky token gay to give the impression that they weren’t solely conservative propaganda.

I was talking to a guy tonight who thinks Bill Clinton is a brilliant great guy and I couldn’t help but think how he doesn’t recognize how privilege works LOL. I feel like even conservatives can agree that Hillary was/is the braintrust of the couple.

I really wish she had run in 2004 instead of John Kerry. The

So I have a guy I really like but I think I am not emotionally unavailable enough for him? He finds me attractive and smart and funny but whenever I verbally express interest in him, it turns him off. Yet if I snub him, he asks to hang out. It’s weird and I hate it LOL.

Otherwise I am just very stressed with work. Does

I love a cheesy 90's Sci-Fi. I have been binging The Dead Zone and let me tell you if I had a clit, it would have friction burn. It’s acted so poorly and yet I can’t give it up. I also have seen every episode of Star Trek a billion times but will still watch it all the way through like I haven’t seen it before.

I hope Brie Larson can pivot to something she’s good at. I like her but I’ve yet to watch anything she’s done and been like, “I would like more of this.”

The reason nobody questioned them is for the same reason you don’t ask the worker at a restaurant if the food is real. There is still some inherent trust in society.

In a vacuum, the problem with Dolezal and this woman is that they are misrepresenting themselves. It’s like an Android with an Apple sticker on the back.

LOL true story. I could not understand Mexico City Spanish and Oaxaca Spanish was even more perplexing.

Is she still with Kanye? Because that would explain alot.

Girl what the hell? 

Sharon Brown is a great woman. Awesome speaker, warm personality, and great leader. Excited that she will be driving the boat going forward.

I must be a hipster then. I was bullied and disowned for being queer. I would never and could never be friendly with Mike Pence even if it meant me becoming President. Aspiration over integrity is not progress or equality, no matter how many Ellens the straight people eat up.

There’s also the matter of it’s not just

Gay men who want to be the new 53%. Stonewall wasn’t in vain.

Before reading these comments, I wouldn’t have guessed that “failing upward” men would have so many supporters on this blog.

This is going to be crap and I don’t care who thinks otherwise. They made great “premium” TV until their source material dried up and then made crap. When they didn’t get their way with their

I guarantee Entrepreneur Twitter and Manifest Instagram are going to ignore who this is being funded by, who is in charge of that company, and who is going to ultimately be hurt by what looks like Colonization Part 2.

This is the most likely avenue. They won’t abandon disc drives but will instead make them an add-on.

His other notable achievement was shutting down a universal healthcare bill in 2017 brought forth by two other Democrats.

He’s 3rd gen Mexican and still somehow conservative which at this point has me fuming. The only reason he’s not a Republican is because they want him dead but he’s voting along their interests

Well if he became President for his car wreck appeal, why not sell books and make documentaries about the mangled car and the dead bodies? The exploitation of suffering is a big part of why I didn’t want to go into entertainment. Being interested in gossip about this dude when he is actively harmful is purely

A lot of people see Pence as a non-entity because he’s not a great public figure but ever since learning about him in early 2016, I have seen him as somebody incredibly dangerous. He harmed a lot of people in Indiana without needing to resort to political theatrics like Trump. This is the guy who approved queer

Freedia did that.