Kinjas in the Outfield

You can still spread herpes without sexual contact.

People forget that Patrick Stewart wanted the nonsensical buggy scene in the movies simply because he wanted to ride a buggy. He’s not actually Captain Picard.

The only time I have ever liked it is in Babylon 5 when the Minbari did it. Criminally underrated show because TNT insisted they use Turner’s CGI which aged poorly.

I stopped trying to educate fellow Bernie supporters on how being a single issue voter for “class struggle” is not going to win. It can’t just be poor vs. rich when you hate/dismiss some of the poor too.

Take Bernie out of the equation because it’s obvious why black folks don’t think he can win.

My question is why do black folks like Biden more than Clinton? He has a better rep for being Obama’s VP than Bill Clinton’s wife but something about it just seems foul. Bernie’s plans have not changed but the gender of his

I feel like they have been setting up Kamala Harris all along for this and I ain’t mad at it. It’s not revolutionary but she has enough charisma and knowledge to make him seem worthwhile.

Honestly my bet is the one on the cruise giving it to his brother and then giving it to Gobert. It is far far far more likely to catch it (or damn near anything) on a cruise ship because it’s a humid, contained area with no stops for a long time than it is to catch it in an airplane or arena. Italy’s current problem

RIP BET Uncut :’(

You really thought the only black President wouldn’t be into PAWGs? Must be a youngin LOL.

The problem is that many people have it. In fact, it’s believed that the majority of adults are living with it. You can only knowingly spread it if you have symptoms and a diagnosis and choose to do it anyway. Otherwise, you’re basically asking every adult to be abstinent.

Not that it would be a bad idea in Kelly’s

Listen. I don’t subscribe to the “don’t name your kid something ghetto” philosophy but I read that name and said, “I know you fuckin lyin.”

Because then we’re waiting out a shedding period for a finite amount of time and can return to normal after it instead of just hoping for the best indefinitely.

This dude is the hotep meme come to life.

But listen. Somebody who is just down for drinking isn’t hanging around meth heads. Coke and weed? Sure. Meth is next level and not really the thing you bring it out at a function where people might say “no thanks I’ll pass.

Somebody might wanna tell Tyler Perry.

Leaf-blowers EVERY DAY when I lived in Hollywood. Not for actual leaves mind you. They were used to blow trash in the street gutters so that when it drizzled once every blue moon, you’d get Mississippi flooding.

Well that’s part of the problem. The majority of Biden supporters think he can beat Trump because he’s an old white man and was part of the Obama administration. That’s why they don’t him to be questioned. There’s not much else there. Clinton was a MUCH better candidate than him and she got torn to shreds as soon as

A big problem is that Bernie thought he could sway some of Trump’s base while forgetting some of them are literal Nazis who are too proud to admit that America already has socialist programs. The “working class” votes for people who sent their jobs overseas, my dude.

Yeah no one is going to expose Joe Biden. We all know what we’re getting. He’s actually a great person to have in office post-Trump because while he’s moderate af, Pelosi does great work with an agreeable President. Considering the powerful Dems in the Senate and House too, Joe could help them get so much more done.


Clinton says she would like the epitaph “She’s neither as good nor as bad as some people say about her” engraved on her tombstone.