As they said, he can have his own business and even talk about but he can’t use his status as an amateur college athlete to promote his business. It’s the same as telling a player that they can’t be a paid endorser of a product.
As they said, he can have his own business and even talk about but he can’t use his status as an amateur college athlete to promote his business. It’s the same as telling a player that they can’t be a paid endorser of a product.
I don’t know what you are talking aboot
So is is Jacksonville the buffalo of the south?
The school might not be bound by the same rules as a court but it is (like the rest of the state government) bound by the protection of due process. Obviously the amount of due process varies depending upon the severity of the punishment but it is definitely required to provide due process before it punishes. The…
Would they have had it all rapped up by Saturdays game? No? Then it isn’t a solution. Maybe if the process allowed him to play until it was completed it would make sense.
And the judge ruled in favor of the injunction and restraining order.
Here is the problem I see with your argument, he was made the team and then kicked off without due process or breaking any rules while on the team and I feel like that is an issue for a public institution. Probably his record is sealed and as such, a government institution should not be able to use it against him.
So if they decide they don’t want no lesbians on their bball team, they can do that?
But if he is a juvenile offender, he probably doesn’t have to tell them he has committed a crime.
But if they were, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.
Whether he got 12 hours or infinity years, the victim would be no better off. Punishment should be a about deterrence and protection of the public and 10 months is probably enough to deter anyone that is deterable and not about vengeance and I don’t know what his likelihood of recidivism is but if you marginalize him…
The schools resolution plan? You are kidding right? Unless it is a neutral third party then why should he trust it? I wouldn’t and neither should you. The school should have had to go through the a resolution process before it made it’s decision. I bet you will agree to Equifax Arbitration. The football season is…
The problem is that they allowed him on the team to begin with. The school obviously didn’t think he was a danger and should be allowed to play. If the only reason they are kicking him off the team is because of his criminal history and not because of talent or a that they they poses a risk by being a member of the…
Shameful? So why is female nudity so much more acceptable in mainstream TV and films? Why do female porn stars and nude models make more than their male? It isn’t your body that is historically shameful (I would say it’s the opposite) but your desire and enjoyment of sex that is threatening. I would say that the push…
How about your breasts? I think many men believe that their penis is the only sexually arousing party of their body. I have never sent a dick pic even when asked but I’ve never desired a vagina pic. I think you’d be surprised how many many ask for dick pics and people are dumb enough to think, well one woman asked, so…
What kind of idiot says vacating wins is a dumb punishment? You shouldn’t get to claim wins if you cheated to get them but I guess you think that gold medalists should keep their medals after getting caught doping because taking them away is meaningless.
Dearth of star power because many of the starts depended on peds. Notice the fall off after usada? A certain unbeatable women (a former Olympian that understood usada’s testing procedure) got crushed in her first fight after usada took over testing. Stop being obtuse about the role peds play in mma.
They need the browns more? Has Cleveland become such a great place that they need something to make them feel like shit and keep them humble?
Only if the browns and jaguars are euthanized also.
There is a reason why a team would move from LA to St. Louis.