
The way I just HOLLERED!!!! 

Seems like some shit someone as rich as Pharrell would do: offer unpaid work and expect gratitude.

Exactly! F*ck unpaid internships...

Internships where? That’s a pretty vague statement to make. Are they going to get internships at places where their interests lie? Are they going to be offered internships in music or a media company? That’s not helpful to everyone.

Paid or unpaid internships? 

Appreciated but, honey, for one second, can it not be about you? After all, you will never find yourself in a situation where you can take that bullet for a trans women of color. Plus, how about mandating that your 501c3 allocates funds to communities that aren’t in large liberal urban hubs. And finally, how about you

How many candidates does it take to throw the election (again)?

Plus one for keepass.  The only way is offline.

I prefer KeePass, for the non-cloud-based nature of it. I don’t feel at all threatened/nervous about a potential security breach because there is no centralized repository where my passwords are, merely my local database file. Now, I do (for convenience’s sake) keep that on my Google Drive so I can sync it across

Where is the $1 cord? All I see is one for $12.95

Where is the $1 cord? All I see is one for $12.95

Not to sound incredulous, but giant JP Morgan scandal incoming, LOL

Yet you comment on an iOS article, just to say you don’t use iOS.

His son plays in the DA league.

Detroit has been making a “comeback” since 1969.

She should not be on the team, she should have declined the invitation. I’m all for Colin kaepernick taking a knee for a private team, no employee should force a worker pledge allegiance. Just by being on the U.S. team she is representing the U.S. she is basically our flag on the field. If you feel that our

Just SHOCKING you fail to mention that in 2013 Detriot had the highest violent crime rate in America as well as ecnomic failure.

How to watch the Democratic Presidential Debates: With a fresh box of tissues nearby; because I’ll either laugh so hard I will cry, or I’ll simply cry over the fact that people are actually stupid enough to eat the BS these people are spooning out.

But he’s a white guy and this is Jezebel so of course he’s accomplished nothung

Seriously. Unbelievable snark that is close to hateful.