But if the recently arrived hipsters, who seem to require kale ice cream, camel’s milk, and gluten-free soap in order to survive, need to leave the neighborhood to find a Whole Foods, this doesn’t help the local bodega or economy either.
But if the recently arrived hipsters, who seem to require kale ice cream, camel’s milk, and gluten-free soap in order to survive, need to leave the neighborhood to find a Whole Foods, this doesn’t help the local bodega or economy either.
They’re protesting the symptom and not the cause
Love Serena, truly one of the greats, but I hate the glamorization of sports. Women & POC would be far better served pursuing STEM.
Are you assuming SmooveClacka never purchases anything while in the city ? Sales tax is a huge influx to city coffers.
After the old lady dies, we see Jack and Rose spend eternity with each other having a grand time on the great ship. But why are the others in the scene damned to an eternity working on the Titanic ???
One risk with this is that there is no requirement in the US for companies to provide any healthcare coverage at all. If some of these companies are pushed to0 hard, they could very easily just drop all coverage.