
Does it have Coors Light?

80% of the drummers that I've seen come into the studio are completely baffled by having to actually play along to a rhythm set by someone other than them: a drum overdub, click track, whatever. They get offbeat, then train wreck and stop dead... and next thing we know, it's two hours later and we're on take 80 and

It's like the Jalop staffers have no idea!

I can now claim that when I drive on Video games, I'm just emulating Parnelli Jones!!! There isn't an infield I am afraid to use.

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude

This is a brilliant move by Mercedes. Lewis will soon become intimately familiar with Ferrari reliability and never leave.

I'd wager that no frame damage is present, as it looks like a pretty cut and dry sideswipe.

Also scary, but for different reasons...

My wife said she'd rather own this than a house, so...

That was amazing. The "Why I Read Jalopnik Every Day" pie chart is now over 60% Doug DeMuro.

That was the best surprise ending I could have asked for :-)

It's really very important that you watch the video.

Being destructive for the purpose of being destructive. And destroying one of those ugly things with a hummer. I like the way you think

Doug DeMuro


You must be the President of AntiKoeniggsegg Land... Population 1.

i love Koenigsegg and all but thode wheels are hideous

spotted this yesterday testing north of the polar circle, with rally lights.

like so many vents