
Maybe be a little more defensive next time.

Plex works very, very well on my Roku. What issue are you having with it?

Worse than the guy at the blackjack table who constantly calls it poker?

the draft rights to Serhiy Lischuk. Houston sends the Clippers the rights to Maarty Leunen. Neither player is expected to play in the NBA.

She wasn’t actually comparing her struggle to that of MLK. She was making the comparison in an ironic way, drawing attention to the pettiness of her complaints.

1.) Deadlifting is one of the most compound exercises you can do. It hits plenty of muscles that are good for wrestling.

If Seth is telling the truth that he was thrown at least 20 feet then we can rule out Peyton Manning as a suspect.

I don’t think so. Perhaps the D3 basketball rules are different (though I doubt it), but in the NBA the clock doesn’t start until the ball touches a player.

ill preface this comment by saying i was born and raised in Massachusetts (spent 25 yeas in Boston and the South Shore.). This has to be the first time ever that the police have covered up for a black guy.

You can’t spell “candidate” without CTE.

Why has Deadspin not endorsed Trump? Think of all the hot takes a Trump presidency would create!

I’m not going to say I think Avery is innocent. A lot of the information that’s been published recently about what was left out by the filmmakers makes me think that there is a possibility he truly is guilty of this crime. However both things can be true: that 1. Avery did kill her but also 2. that the police

I don’t know, Dennis. Racist jokes usually have better punchlines.

Shouldn’t you be packing for pitchers & catchers day in Jupiter with the rest of the Cardinals fans?

Just because Riley cooper is white doesn’t mean he's a slot receiver...racist

They raped someone so hard they lacerated internal organs, and he literally now requires assistance to use the bathroom. That shows a shocking lack of boundaries. Sex offender status is most definitely appropriate for that type of behavior.

Why the fuck do we expect a professional football player’s political leanings to match identically to our own, to the point we need to crucify him in the media for it if they do not? What exactly does football have to do with politics? Are celebrities not allowed to have thoughts that don’t align perfectly with our

Please tell me a story about Kazaam!

That is most definitely too long of a comment for anyone to read regarding the topic of Kobe Bryant.