
NO NO!!!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE elect this man Mayor!!!

Chill... how the hell does this have 77 likes?

If you have a kid, you should get at least 5 years off of paid leave and have the company pay for your child’s college education. We should have Free Healthcare and we should give everyone in the world one million dollars.

You better listen to this hippie writing this article or else you are a bad parent.

What is your solution? Ban guns?

As a physicist, I only apply movement to things that actually move, you know, cuz I'm not a narcissistic dumbass like you, keep protesting bro

is okay sweetheart, there there now, you've had a rough day

Your grandma sounds like a nice person, do you mind if I ask her out on a date?

well as long as you realize it, that’s half the battle right there, and hey good luck with burning and hell and all that stuff and devils etc. :)

You brave soul. You should receive treatment similar to other heroes including fire fighters, doctors, the avengers, and jesus.

you're one of those annoy people you consistently needs to let everyone know their political opinion? Everyone LOVES those people

an article based on internet commenters makes you want to vote for Hilary?????

your life must be so rough, I will pray for you


you are adopted and they hate you

you sound fun...... NOT!

is this an article on internet commenters with examples of mean comments from reddit?

114 likes says otherwise, dumbass.

Google Michael Jackson 2001 picture.... are you a fucking retard, he was white in 2001. should we have a black person do whiteface?