
Probably get the same type of thing from a Vinyl Wrap shop for 1/3 the price.

Yea. You can abuse the crap out of them and not worry. Parts are all over craigslist, junkyards, peoples garages, backyard, in starbucks.

The loudest form of protest is with your wallet. But I don't think it means buy it so you can smash it...

i guess im thinking different cyclist

Is it true that Corvettes come with women as a standard option?

More skeptical that a cyclist would be wearing that helmet.

Specially the way the kids are "building" them.

Soon they wont require smog O_O. I believe the CRX is already at that status

And they say wrestling is fake.

But how he went so far into the draft....

Just you wait.

When you have so much BS to say. 1/4 of that will be true.

I feel like I just saved 15% by switching car insurance.

TheOnion. Neckbelt recall

TheOnion. Neckbelt Recall

Now she can focus on her Ninjago career.

Lets just give them the new seat belts

Also heat fans opt out of their contract.