
Spoiler: running.

Obama went to people in rural areas he knew wouldn’t vote for him and asked them what they wanted, because if he won he’d be their president too. Those gestures bought him a lot of good will. Hillary didn’t take that route, and it cost her greatly.

Joe Biden would have won, after obama the dems should have went with the safe vote “old white guy” and not hillary who these people hate with a passion, most of them just came out to vote against her, they remember Nafta and what the clintons did to them, they have been waiting for payback since the 90's.

Please don’t go.

Housing discrimination

What a loser. Sad!

It’s just the internet. I’m so, so glad I don’t have to deal with them irl. That I couldn’t handle.

Bullshit. Again, as someone else pointed out, some of those states were blue last election. Your take, along with many here, is lazy, head-in-the-sand, bullshit. But that’s not too surprising coming the asinine echo chamber that is the former Gawker network.

Except those JohnStein voters were supposed to break pretty cleanly if they didn’t run. Know what Hillary could have done to win?

i think you have to consider the possibility that a media that overwhelmingly explains Trump support via racism tends to find and report evidence that supports their initial point of view and ignore evidence that doesnt

Ugh. Clearly the author of this piece has learned nothing. People are disaffected, and pissed off, and calling them racist, sexist, etc over and over again DOES NOT FUCKING HELP. Seriously - how do you not see this yet?

“Apparently you shouldn’t alienate one of the biggest voting blocks in the country.”

Look, guys, last night was bad, but I don’t think we should give up on snarky condescension and ridicule towards people who don’t think the way we do. Divisiveness works!

It wasn’t the liberals condescending to them. The liberals came with Bernie and spoke to their hopes and dreams. The liberals wanted to make Washington finally pay attention to lower class suffering and bad trade deals. It was the centrist republican lite wing of the democrats that came with the condescension.

Maybe cause marx died in the 19th century

They have been condescended to, called racist and sexist for the last 8 years. Weird they didn’t fall in line with the liberals.

Boy, the “How the Deadspin Staff voted” moralizing and self-regard looks super great today, huh?


Haisley, Pareene, Redford, Draper. I hope you’re happy this morning, you smug fucks.