Does anyone care at this point?
Does anyone care at this point?
I’m preeeety sure that endorsements are supposed to come from the endorsers. This wouldn’t even be the first time he’s fabricated endorsements, including from other NFL players.
PW Belichick been running a lowkey apartheid regime up there for years and nobody in the lamestream media says shit about it.
Agreed. Seems fake to me, too.
Listen to your heart.
Trump told a little white lie? Shocked. Shocked!
Based on the run-on sentences and grammatical errors, Trump was obviously endorsed by Bill Belechick from Dorchester and Tom Braide from Quincy.
Trump did have trouble reading Brady’s endorsement, because of the paws between sentences.
Kellyanne Conway found a letter from Rex Ryan in Trump’s inbox, looked at his travel schedule, scratched out Ryan’s name and wrote in Belichick’s.
So what do I do now as a Pats fan? Can I still support my sports people in sports-only contexts?
I will happily trade four Super Bowl rings to see this ethically, morally, culturally and socially bereft dinosaur get crushed tomorrow.
So either Trump is lying, or everyone who hates the Patriots is completely justified in their revulsion. Probably both.
....Ya’ll know Trump wrote that letter, right?
Stop trying to secretly videotape my +1!
Tom Brady, a fancy dog, would never endorse a man who disparages dogs so frequently.
“You have dealt with an unbelievable slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully” sounds 0% like something Bill Belichick would say, and 100% like something Donald Trump would say while reading a blank page he is pretending is a letter from Bill Belichick.
People in New England being fans of overt racism? Well fahk, there goes my world view.
“My parents told me that there are no monsters. But there are, aren’t there Chef?”
Fuck Belichick. But really, Tom? You’re still the second greatest QB ever, but damn, dude. Really?