I still miss Mighty Mesquite Crunch Tators.
I still miss Mighty Mesquite Crunch Tators.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of typing.
Someone needs to set up a GoFundMe to cover bail and a defense attorney for the twins and Murph.
The Take5 candy bar is a relative infant in the checkout lane at only fifteen years old, and it’s outstanding. They really need to come out with a dark chocolate version, however.
I enjoyed booing him at Long Beach a couple months ago, and I’m going to enjoy booing him at RoadAmerica in a couple of weeks.
I have no idea who (if anyone) was the opening act. All I can say with any certainty is that it wasn’t anyone relevant then or now.
Someone offered me a free ticket to see 311 in 2000-2001 or thereabouts. I accepted despite feeling like I only knew one or two songs of theirs.
What kind of a shithead wears a white shirt to that job?
I contend that all of the world’s enjoyment from listening to any of the Steve Miller Band’s “greatest hits” has already occurred. In other words, from now until the end of days, there is literally nobody who will ever again be excited to hear one of those songs on the radio, and as such, we should all just agree to…
until the books come out explaining her madness
It’s the sound you’d get ripping a big, wet fart into a five gallon plastic bucket.
We have $25 Joy Bidets on all of our toilets. They come with a fairly idiot-proof card with comic book-style illustrations to inform proper usage. I added “Do not spray if you’re not sitting down.” (which will cut down on mishaps, unless your guests are illiterate and/or assholes) and we leave the card out in plain…
We have $25 Joy Bidets on all of our toilets. They come with a fairly idiot-proof card with comic book-style…
I starred this comment just so I could unstar it.
Great article, Parker.
Pretty hot take there, Doctor.
I hope you get hit in the nuts/boobs today.
“Steven” is a pretender to the throne.
I’m a reasonable guy. But, I’ve just read some very unreasonable things.
A greedy appeal to the lowest common denominator.
Posted this in reply to Pete’s first comment, but Kinja seems to have eaten it.