
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that also in the bill was a giveaway to Lisa Murkowski of Alaska to start drilling for more oil in the ANWAR and the Arctic Ocean. Fossil fuel subsidies outstrip renewables 2-1. And fossil fuels pollute the world. The fossil fuel industry has a fucking CENTURY of subsidies behind it.

American politics has become so marked by factious and contrarian behavior, that any negative thing said about Moore by his opponents must be a good thing to some people.

Says the non-parent.

Let’s not forget the biggest, most well paid charity in the article. The NFL itself. It was a non profit up to two years ago. It only made the change to for profit private organization so that it could keep its records sealed and not disclose things like Ginger’s $44,000,000 salary to head up a NON-PROFIT.

While I can’t feel bad for this guy (sounds like they reminded him MULTIPLE times during the process), some contracts can be determined to be unenforceable if they are especially egregious or unreasonably favoring one side.

Trump loves giving the middle finger to anyone who slighted him. Just think, had Trump no attended that D.C. correspondents dinner where Obama and Seth Meyers roasted him, we wouldn’t have him as president right now.

Modern cars have way too many features built in to have just knobs. Sorry.

I read an article linked by another commenter. It is a thorough take down if the notion that suffering rural whites voted for Trump for economic reasons. Nope. It’s plain old white supremacy. Great article.

Yes George WAS the show. With hindsight, we now can more fully appreciate what Larry David poured into that character. Jason Alexander was amazing with the material though.

George did have sex with the cleaning lady though. To be fair, if he had known that this sort of thing was looked down upon, he would not have slept with the cleaning lady.

Sorry- didn’t mean to bring you down. Rough news day. Gotta lay off the NPR for the rest of the day and flip over to Margaritaville or something on XM. This hideous was just the proverbial straw today, knowing that I will have to share the streets with a bunch of silver haired ladies behind the wheel of this

McAdoo is an idiot. Treating a classy player like Eli in this manner will not get him any future jobs. Eli is done in Ny. We all knew that. But this is ugly. I am not a Giants fan, but as a fellow Hoboken guy for many years, I always liked Eli as the big doofus sweet type when I saw him around. He was OUR big doofus

Wasn’t sure if it was possible for the RX to get uglier, yet here we are. Bring on the nuclear war with North Korea. We just hit bottom.

I will defer to to your career knowledge of the situation. I also agree wholeheartedly with another reply that due diligence should be done. My thought process is that ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, then yes I am all for giving veteran or minority owned businesses a better shot at winning government contracts. But of course

Given recent contracts in PR, I can see why this would raise red flags. However, I can’t find fault in this article. FEMA used a low bidder process to make sure that the most competitively priced bid won, instead of the son of the fucking Interior Dept head. Also, if any preference was given, it was for the owners of

And the fucking idiots who voted for 45 are waiting for all of those sweet sweet high paying low skill coal and basic manufacturing jobs to come back. Then they can acquire estates over $10,000,000 so that they can pass them on tax free to their high school dropout opioid addicted son, who definitely doesn’t need to

The worst part of that organization is that you and I subsidize it because it is a goddamn tax exempt charity!

Maybe he can’t Roll Tide, but he can make do at Alabama A&M or something. Dammit just trying yo help an immoral footballer out here! Just saying we should send all of our rejects like this guy to Alabama. As long as they in turn don’t send any back as Congressmen.

Yes love that he puts his screw ups in the viedeo. So now he is JUST LIKE US no skilled people who knock shit over in our garage too!

Tie every day for me so it’s second nature. When I had to tie a bow tie, while running late for a black tie wedding this summer, in a foreign country, in a rented home with no A/C. I was beet red in the face, cursing, and sweating by the time we left the hospital house. Just couldn’t bring myself to wear a clip on bow