
My last track day a guy had a 991 GT3 on slicks. He had a custom kneeling trailer. Being towed by a matching paint Range Rover Sport SVR. That’s my set up. You can keep the pick up.

Don’t worry. NRA won’t defend this horrible behavior. The culprits appear to be non-white.

If this continues, at some point I fully expect/hope to see unarmed citizens surrounding ICE vehicles after one of these raids. Non-violent, but at the same time a message that they are not fucking leaving with that person in the back of the van. I want to see a fucking insurrection against ICE.

You are correct. Also HamNo drops in the million dollar home comment. As someone who lives in a high cost high tax state, if you have a million dollar home for which you try to deduct interest, as well as your local property taxes and state income taxes, you are hitting the AMT mighty quickly. Therefore, the people in

I couldn’t find any on autotrader. Then I realized I had been searching for a Canine 100.

Jack Daniels also sells Audi, VW, and Porsche in north Jersey. I would think that they teach their salesmen how to interact with people who have money to spend. I bought an A8 from them and they were excellent. I am sure the newest sales guys start a Kia, but if they want to start selling Audi’s or eventually Porsches

Such bullshit. And I just sat (yes sat- I just got home from fucking 14 hour workday) through probably the 400th time of listening to God Bless America during the Yankees 7th inning stretch since 9/11.

But clicking the same button 4 times consecutively in a short sequence? Maybe if he was doing some air squats in hipster skinny jeans while having his dog checked by the vet. I would guess not.

The content of said marbled lispy commentary also deserves being blasted. Fuck this racist senile old shit.

I don’t Tweet, I don’t Facebook, I don’t ESPN, and I certainly don’t sports radio. I Deadspin because Deadspin generally pokes fun at those others. Generally people who would call out a player on social media are morons (and sometimes “morans”). But this guy says “it’s just a football game”? Dude, you are correct, but

I generally don’t give people shit for something like speech issues, but for fucks sake how can you be paid to speak when you can’t fucking speak?!


Plus it’s close to a courthouse? So I assume it’s close to the commercial center or middle of the town? Where people can walk to local grocery stores, restaurants, etc?

The people who stand to get hurt the most with the removal of the mortgage interest deduction are not the 1 percent. It’s just-barely-middle-class households who are budgeting on that extra couple grand back in their taxes to fix the roof or get their kid braces.

I agree that Sessions himself doesn’t have a right to speak at a private school. But in most of these cases, it’s a student group like the college republican club or something inviting in a speaker. Any school should alllow its student groups pretty wide latitude in approving speeches, meetings, etc.

Nevada. Where Florida Man who can’t handle humidity goes to dry out.

It seems like Georgetown successfully walked a pretty fine line here. They allowed the asshat to give his speech, they allowed the students the opportunity to protest said speech outside (I think it’s fair to say that if those 150 students were all let inside the disruption would have made actually giving the speech

If it’s easy for white people like me, we probably aren’t having the right conversation. When shit gets really uncomfortable, then we are probably not the right track.

Living on the Hudson River on the Jersey side, I can tell you that the helicopter traffic in the area is absurd. We have been fighting for years to shut down the tourist choppers, to change the flight paths, etc. On a nice summer day, I once sat on my deck and measured only about 15 minutes of a full hour in which I

Who are three teams who have never sat at my kitchen table?