

True, but the Congressman in the video is a Republican.

Gawker media sure is pushing this shit site hard. I never click, but clicked on this fucking ridiculous headline just to read some funny comments. You have to be fuckin kidding me with this shit. Coaches for people sitting on a BarcaLounger playing a video game?

This is fucking beautiful.

It’s Friday morning. I was out late last night for a concert. It’s a four day weekend but now I have to go to work. Can Deadspin Yakety Sax my life for the next 8 hours to get me to that cold beer at 5:00?

Because Ben Sasse is using Trump to sell books. That’s the only reason he is speaking up

And even then they have the intern that the congressman knocked up get an abortion on the sly. Just no abortions for anyone else.

California didn’t pass gun control legislation until the Black Panthers armed themselves.

There are many people who never have to parallel park. Living two block from where that was filmed, I can tell you that a Hoboken resident could have put a dump truck into that spot. That person was a suburban visitor- no resident sticker in the rear window. Every time I see a minivan with out of state plates, with

I admit to hyperbole. My bad. It isn’t 0% but actually only 13% of Medicaid costs covered by counties, but still a small percentage of county expenses (schools alone are 62% of county expenditures).

The president and a small group of people know what iof means.

Correction: Medicaid spending makes 0% of your county property tax bill. Property taxes in NYS go to local and county uses, with schools making up the largest bulk of it.

The Trumpists still won’t get it. Like the woman in Indiana whose husband was deported after she voted for Trump.

At what point can we just start filing class action lawsuits against Pruitt and Dow Checmical for poisoning our population? Can’t we show a bunch of pictures of miscarried deformed fetuses found to have that chemical in their systems? I mean, 55 fucking thousand pediatricians signed on to say this shit dmages kids

This guy gets it.

The man drives a yellow Porsche with the high speed-deployed spoiler manually deployed while toodling around Manhattan at 14MPH. Fucking idiots.

Hey Ivanka- maybe you can tell your father to direct ICE to stop going to human trafficking court and arresting human trafficking victims. Fucking assholes.

Check out the comment below with the Biden GIF. Read about Froning.

The article didn’t say that this was for everyone. I am sorry you have dealt with partners who didn’t respect your wishes. That is terrible. That however doesn’t mean that other couples cant take the info in the article to start a conversation about rough sex or even try it.

Lol. I am sitting in my company car - 2016 Forester- with adaptive cruise. I never need it in my dense urban sales territory but I tried it on a weekend jaunt to PA on Rt 78 in NJ. Even with the setting at the closest interval, it would slow the car 10 car lengths from the next car in front of me. So instead of