
From his testimony:

I usually agree with most Zukka takes on FunBag, but gotta disagree here. I don’t think we need to give time to nutjobs like this guy. You aren’t going to change the minds of any of Mr Nutjobs supporters, so why bother giving him a platform? Too much of the media feels a need to be balanced so they put a scientist in

And this is why I read Deadspin and not ESPN.

A handful of states aren’t forcing anything on the other states. However, if those handful of states include California, and much of the northeast, which choose to align themselves with California, then automakers will have to make models that meet the more stringent requirements if they want to sell cars to the

Wow. How do you say “balls” in Canadian?

Cleveland or not, how do some of these cities/supposedly major metropolitan areas have such pathetic skylines? I googled Cleveland skyline. Jersey City has only 250k people and a better skyline than Cleveland. Cost of land I guess (build up not out)? Weird.

Thanksgiving at my place. In-laws are in from the Bay Area. My parents and one older brother (the one who spent too much time as a teacher in a catholic school in Miami who now believes that Christmas is under attack). My wife make me promise not to get political right after the election. I was fine. My brother sits

MCA?! Fucking lock em away forever! You don’t fuck with a Beastie!


Watch the Fox News segment with that ass licker Hannity. You will lose any feelings of sympathy for Eric in about 1.6 seconds.

Also, I love that the first year that Trump Org decided to charge Eric Foundation, Trump Org generously “covered” costs by making a donation: via the DJT Foundation - which Trump himself doesn’t contribute to & exists on outside donations - donating 100k to Eric Foundation, which was then used to pay fees from Trump

Short flight is one thing. A full travel day with layover, maybe in the summer (swampass), is another thing. I actually sleep better after a refreshing shower anyway.

Somehow your Kinja name had made me smile even more while reading about this thread. Yes I have the mind of an 12 year old boy.

This applies to any berry during non-berry season. Those strawberries from central California? Meh. No flavor. Same with most blueberries.

This has been covered ad infinitum in other articles on here. For instance, putting an aftermarket exhaust on your car doesn’t affect a warranty repair on an unrelated part like a suspension piece. What of her mods could have affected a fuel pump sensor?

The detractors are from rural states. Let’s just remind everyone how a thunderstorm in Chicago in the summer can affect thousands of flights for the day. Or a reminder that 3 major airports operate within about 12 miles of each in the NYC area, along with the busiest private flight airport (Teterboro). So hell yes

I concur. It is the new republican way. When asked about people losing health coverage under the Republican bill, one congressman said that some local doctors in one health system in his home state donate some of their time to care for uninsured. So leave it to the charity of a few wealthy people? It shouldn’t have to

??? My comment was about Audi owners modifying their cars.

Seriously. There could be one small company owned by a conglomerate whose sole purpose is to beat up old ladies. I am fairly convinced at this point that the GOP would find a way to pass legislation with some patriotic description about “freedom to beat up” whomever you want being an essential part of America.

Bloomberg could give a shit. Why would a guy worth $50B bother being mayor of NYC? Because he is a resident of NYC and wanted to do something for his town. He accomplished a lot, did some stupid things, but many more very good things.