
Let’s see, should we put out a respectable midsize crossover instead of a 10 year old Journey, because those things fly off of every Honda, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai, Ford, and Mazda lot. Or should we spend our R&D making “improvements” to a whale of a car whose bones date back 20 years and which is already available with

I thought people calling me birdbrain all these years was a good thing....

The problem is that in many cities there were/are no regulations on how to handle Uber’s model.

Get this man more stars.

At least they nailed him. And Russo before him. My streak of “not having voted for the guy who was indicted by the Feds” is still alive!

This is Bayonne. Work takes me to that town stuck in the 50s. So Bayonne is surrounded by water on three sides, and that highway at the north end is the NJ Turnpike extension to the Holland Tunnel. The highway is also the border between Bayonne and Jersey City. A very African American part of JC.

Yes, build a shiny new arena. Because having the newest hi def screen in the arena is going to make someone who was never a hockey fan, or who is a transplant who is already a fan of a different team, want to suddenly attend Coyotes games after 20 years

Read my post. I didn’t click. All I have seen is headlines.

You know what they do care about? Their healthcare. And guess what?! It’s happening! The Republicans are going to pass their health care bill, and many of the fucking idiots who voted for Trump will lose their coverage. I feel bad for those who will be harmed who didn’t vote for him, but I will have a smug feeling of

Too much cheese.

Saw a new S5 the other day. The nose is droopier looking than the old one. And the two additional hood strikes aren’t flattering.

I am a Jalop. I read a couple other car magazines. While this is instantly recognizable as a McLaren, I can’t tell the difference between it and any other McLaren from the last 6 years. The McLaren styling can best be described as functional blob. Lots of curves and lines and whatnot.

Deadspin sure is trying to get that site up and running by cross posting apparently every freaking article. So is Compete a website for the guy who lives in his moms basement and plays video games every day? Haven’t bothered to click through but it seems like some people classify video games as a “sport”.

I was a pretty serious competitive for a guy in his 30s) runner for a decade or so. I couldn’t run with anything more than a banana in my stomach (sensitive stomach, all that bouncing around- not good).

But here’s the best of the statement- once again big government is trying to tell local people how to run their schools. Oh wait, this is Republicans trying to tell the locals - both republican and democrats on the school board- how to run their school? Then it’s ok. Small government is the way to go, unless the

That’s where he learned how to say “fuck them both”

Go suck a dick US Soccer.

Usually the Catholics are some of the more progressive religious schools. The jesuits in particular were an order known for their education and service. BC, ND, Georgetown, Villanova are all Jesuit colleges. Heck the current pope is making waves, which I wasn’t surprised about because he is a Jesuit.

Replied to wrong comment. My bad.

No making fun of the Mondial. Good enough for Wyatt, good enough for me.