
Who’s going to step up and open carry? A black guy carrying a BB gun in a WalMart in OH, an open carry state, was gunned by the cops in about 4 seconds with no warning.

The height of the sign that he jumped through appears to be 30-35 feet above th level of the parking lot. That is some serious air.

Wounded Warriors is mostly run by veterans. Veterans serve their fellow soldiers by running charities like this.

Same thing with first reposnders. It took a Jewish late night tv host from jersey to embarrass the mostly republican congressmen who held up the Zadroga Act.

While this is true, there are plenty of people who join the military as a way of paying for that college. one of my best friends in college was in ROTC despite being cmopfortbsly upper middle class- it helped pay for an expensive school and he was patriotic. He and his ROTC buddies (who became my buddies) were smart

Puke in carpet fibers? No problem.

Prepare for the mind to be blown.

I agree the fan base skews that rural way, but the players themselves are still probably 80% black, regardless of whether they are from rural or urban areas. That fact alone makes me wonder about the difference. I think that football being more team oriented vs basketball makes players not want to make waves on their

His behavior was off-putting.

I am so tired of shitstains from some podunk little town in Tennessee invoking terrorism and 9/11. NO FUCKING TERRORIST CARES ABUT YOU AND YOUR LITTLE TOWN. Go worry about your kids doing meth.

No but I will have to check if it has its own ICD10 code for medical billing. You wouldn’t believe some of the things that have their own specific codes now. And the sick thing is, these events and injuries have their own codes because the insurance industry and CMS have analyzed the data and determined that they

The guy who will be in charge of the EPA previously sued the EPA so that the fossil fuel industry could continue to decimate the natural resources of Oklahoma by reaching on fault lines and pumping toxic fracking water solutions back underground. OK used to average just under 2 3.0 or greater magnitude earthquakes per

Sorry to hijack the thread, but I had not heard of the Texas bill until I read your comment. It’s sponsored by a guy who also filed complaints about gay marriage in Texas. The guy also happens to be married for the fifth time, so he certainly knows about the sanctity of marriage.

Yeah I guess if you are a Democrat stuck in a red state it sucks. My point was that I am in one of those “out of touch coastal elite blue states” where we take care of ourself, don’t rely on the federal government for much, etc, and therefore we will be fine. So when I hear the Confederate flag waving nutjobs in Texas

I am one of the people who at this point just say Fuck em. There is a whole swath of this country that needs health care, needs quality union representation, needs unemployment benefits like job re-training, needs better education, etc who all voted for Trump who will be hurt when the Republicans screw them all. I

I was never in the market for a small sedan, but good lord did I always want to drive something that sounded like these 6.2L AMG C class. It was detuned vs the same engine in the E class but sounded so much better.

Trump voters made clear that they supported him not paying taxes, despite millions in income. They then complain that their own taxes are too high, not realizing that if Trump, and GE, and Apple, etc all paid their fair share, then maybe their own tax bill might be a bit lower. They also complain about the size of

See LionHeartedGirls comment above yours. You seem to think that every white person has an inordinate amount if influence with every other white person. AS a white person in an urban area, the white people in rural America have nothing beside skin color in common with me. Religion, economics, education, etc.

Absolutely. The fact hat he spent his fist full day in office worrying about people’s tweets about inauguration numbers shows he is still the thin skinned Orange Dumpster Fire he was during the campaign.

Goodell has no fucks to give. He is going home with his $40million/year paycheck.