
I expect the best from men too, unfortunately knowing full well there are too many dipshits out there. My wife and two little girls do as well- I teach the kids that for when they get older.

But but but Quattro!! (S6 driver here- at least with Blizzaks on right now).

This dude is bending over backwards to please the commentariat on here, while supporting feminist causes, and still gets spoken down to like he is a child. Just wow. SMH.

Sorry but here’s more math facts that show there isn’t a republican majority:

People over 18: 241,000,000

Do you really think that Amazon decided just in the last two months since he was elected to hire 100,000 workers? These decision aren’t made that quickly

Do you really think that Amazon decided just in the last two months since he was elected to hire 100,000 workers? These decision aren’t made that quickly

Cory Booker is standing up for the people of New Jersey who sent him to D.C. And guess what? The state of NJ is literally the world headquarters of the pharmaceutical industry. So a shit ton of his voters work in the the business. Here’s a quick list of companies with either their US or world HQ in NJ:

I enjoy Cuban “disrupting” the crusty old guy network that is professional sports team ownership, but considering he has access to the refs (like the example of walking up to them after a game), Cuban should be held to a higher standard than an average fan in attendance. Officials and arena security have the right to

Groans. Stars anyway.

East coast bias? How about facts and figures? 47% of the US population lives in the eastern time zone vs only 17% in the Pacific. Get over it.

He has a “terrific” plan. On the shelf ready to go. Right next to his secret elegant plan to defeat ISIS that the generals have been waiting for.

This is....this...I can’t...too beautiful for words....karma....crying with joy for this guy while hoping he has a chronic medical condition but no family because I am not THAT horrible of a person.....’Murica!

Glad that you enjoy it. Too many people hear Turkish and this “Mooozlem crazy”.

I think “sounds like shit” is a little extreme. The new turbo sixes in the 911 sound pretty darn good compared to old NA flat sixes. (Just drove my friends brand new C4S Cab- unfortunately with he top down here in NJ- and it sounds as good as his old Boxster S). New Ferrari turbo V8 sounds pretty damn amazing. As good

When discussing quality or various positive attributes of a car model, where someone says, well check out the XYZ trim, red flags go up.

Good thing they have hear extractors to extract heat from the rear engine, not wait the rear radiator, no wait the rear disc brakes. Dammit those rear drums get hot so they needed this Pep Boys extractor!

This all reminds me of Dr Tim Whatley converting to Judaism for the jokes.

I hate the orange shitstain, but the article is wrong in some respects. While the heads are political apppointees, there are career diplomats who are deputy ambassadors who will take over until new heads are appointed. So it’s not like these positions sit empty across the globe.

Thank you.