
Fuck this guy.

This can’t be real. This looks like something I would see on Tosh.0 or Family Guy or something.

Many areas are required to use sand in lieu of salt due to environmental concerns. I ski in the Catskills in upstate New York, and even when they get really dumped on, most roads are sanded, not salted. The Catskills are a protected area due to being the water source for NYC.

At least these crazy fuckers in Washington walk the walk. They allow guns in their state Capitol building.

His call on the Jets game field streakers was classic. He is on a hot streak.

Aaaaah yes Christmas. The time of year when the oppression of the white Christian Americans reaches its peak because someone doesn’t want the whole nativity scene on the local city hall lawn, or someone uses the term Xmas and offends baby Jesus himself.

Come now. Why don’t you expect the people to put up with politicians who use their government jobs to enrich themselves? The WSJ must have been fine with the Clintons earning millions right? Right?

There is no climate change until rising sea levels and other natural disasters hit the conservatives where it hurts- there own districts. Then the ask for money.

Wait are we talking about “value” for a Porsche? Pretty sure when I priced the new Panamera S that the fourth wheel was a $2000 option.

I would described hat photoshop as South Parkian. Well done indeed

It took forever to get that tail around! Hilarious.

Absolutely both sides do, but the small government side is hypocritical as shit when they do it. Which was my point. Which I stated. I thought clearly.

Let the market decide. If buyers aren’t too concerned about warranty repairs, regular service,etc and are comfortable purchasing straight from Tesla, let them. If that concerns someone, they can always buy a BMW or whatever.

Having an oppositional opinion on the show is a terrible thing? Since when? Since when is debate even with a moron a bad thing? She represents a huge swath of America that just elected the President so maybe you should pay attention to her

I learned on a late 70s U Type Mack truck as a 12 year old. I worked for my dad and would fuel up and park the tractors at the end of the day. No power steering. Was about 100 pounds with skinny arms trying to squeeze these into the corners of of an old tight garage. Great lessons for clutch management, parking, mirro

Watching another huge building going up in Jersey City, I decided to do some googling. Basically Jersey City has twice as many buildings over 400 feet in height either existing or under construction than Cleveland. How the hell does Cleveland have multiple professional sports teams and anything more than 4th tier

Keep in mind that most New Yorkers don’t have cars. Now think about all of the random shit that people in other parts of the country move from one spot to another in their cars (stores, moving, etc). Now think of all the hilarious shit that you see people dragging up and down the sidelwalks of NYC by hand. It’s been

Nope- Goldman gets nothing compared to Boeing. Boeing and many other defense industry companies have strategically spread their manufacturing out across the country. That way, any time a program is threatened to be canceled (even when the generals want it killed), the company can point to the number of jobs affected