
Despicable. The university put a morals clause in the contract. They could have fairly easily won any law suit. This is a cover-up, pure and simple. Disgusting.

Yup. You are correct.

How often do we see stories about college baseball? Almost never. Somehow this kid gets himself into two different Deadspin stories in a period of a couple weeks? Maybe it’s because he is a jackass.

I would love to see Baylor students and others start to picket/protest the businesses and homes of these boosters who care more about a stupid fucking football team than young women who were raped. Bring that shit close home, you know?

While I am disappointed in the new A4, in real life these designs are not as interchangeable as the photo if the 3 Benzes seem. There is still something called scale, and both an S class and an A8L certainly have both scale and presence.

These guys are doing what they love, now serving in a different way, and getting a different sort of training by being a member of the Blue Angels.

Star for making me literally LOL with “Chez Whitey”

Great one but its loooong. I am talking 24 minutes long to get through that story. I only read that to my kids on nights that we started bed time early.

Class Action Park

Even more ridiculous: the guys who are the proud 7th owner of a BMW 323 who put M badges all over it. The only people who will be impressed by an M or AMG or S are the same people who know that your car has the base 4 banger in it. This makes no sense


Something tells me with parents like that it won't be the last pole she hangs onto.

What’s described in this article is complete BS, but for sports fields you have to have a reservation system. Organized team sports require, you know, organization. A 90 minute soccer games requires a full 90 minutes. This reserving grass space is crap, but any city needs to be organized about how it allocates team

I put that a VERY close second to the Mustang GT350, and ahead of both the Camaro and the Koenigsegg (I believe that was the other gray super car on the ‘Ring?). I am an Audo guy too so I love that engine (waiting for a garage space to start shopping for an R8 gated manual V8 to put next to my A8- my head tells me 991

The Camaro sounds good.....until you play this. Good god does that GT350 sound utterly amazing.

Yes but public knowledge about the dangers of tobacco have been around since the mid 60s. A landmark Urgeon General report in 1964 had great 1958 only 44% of Americans tight smoking caused cancer. But a decade later- after that ‘64 report- 78% of Americans believed smoking caused cancer.

It is rubber to absorb the impact of people who parallel park “by feel”. Source: live in a city with 60,000 in a square mile.

I always that that insurance companies should be able to charge motorcyclists a lot more (or not offer personal injury protection as part of the policy) states with no helmet law. If you are injured while riding with the a helmet, your insurance doesn’t cover your injuries.

When I drove my friends big bad ass S class, it felt ridiculous to put such an impressive car into gear with a dainty little column shifter. I felt like I should be sticking my pinky finger out as I used that thing.

Because gun shows and private sales of guns never happen in any states? Please.