
‘Bout these #Hearties: that Twitter feed is just like the Evangelicals for Trump crowd. They all seem to utterly ignore the massive sums of money involved in her crime and her criminal behavior itself, and feel she should not lose her (very lucrative) job. Because (my assumption from context) these Hallmark movies

Nah, she’ll be fine. She’s still pretty and she’s still rich. She will also be getting a lot more attention and at the end of the day that is the end goal of these influencers. Attention. As attention means clicks and clicks mean money.

Horrific abuse is really the only thing that can explain the state of everyone in that family.

Please don’t make comments like “most BIGBANG fans have chosen to take his word as the truth” - I’m not even a fan of the group but I know most fans are in fact denouncing him and are shocked and upset over this whole situation. Crazy vocal minorities on his own Instagram account who comment supportive things are not

I imagine there was no cash incentive - just being that iced out by your family - no matter how toxic had to hurt.

I remember this entire thing. Everyone thought she was just Jackson’s crazy sister, trying to piggyback his fame...talking like him, looking like him, ect. The talk shows and tabloids (which if you weren’t around then, it was the be-all-end-all of pop culture and celebrity news) had a field day talking about her, and

Olivia Jade, objectively, seems like a dumb bimbo. If she was my daughter I wouldn’t use those words, but I would like to think I would support the child I do have and her actual real strengths instead of forcing her into something she’s not interested in.

“firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-round happier person.” 

regular coffee from starbucks tastes like burnt coffee that’s been sitting in the employee lounge for a week.

was anyone else disappointed there was no video of him actually fixing for her!? MISLEDEING!

Oh no, the colonizers rigged the system to benefit their descendants? I thought they all got into the elite schools purely on merit - you know, like, Donald Trump and Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump and George Bush...Whatever.

I think it is one of those things where you literally could not find someone who found him charming, literally not one single person. What you can find are people who became accustomed to saying that he is charming for 20 or so years. He was basically a bridge troll who convinced people the only way across the river

She’ll always have Bill Maher. He loves her.

I’m shocked. You mean rich, white kids don’t earn their spots into Ivy League schools? I thought they were supposed to be filled with the best and brightest who pulled themselves up by their boot straps. Those schools aren’t bastions of meritocracy? Lol I love how people complain about affirmative action but don’t say

The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........

Malls are Back !!!! Time to call my wastetoid gen X friends to cruise the mall for some new wave babes and avoided the parentals , you know it !!!

Seriously, NBA.  Give the Kardashians their own franchise just for dating convenience.

Hello, former IP litigator here. People keep thinking that a trademark registration is the same thing as owning words or designs, and that just isn’t the case.

Just Do It! is only “owned” by Nike in the sense that it is an indicator of source of shoes, clothing, etc. Especially because “just do it” is a common phrase in everyday parlance, it is a relatively weak mark, and the registration likely includes design elements in a combination like the Nike swoosh and the

Geeze she’s...upset. And rightfully so. But had she taken the legal steps and trademarked it then she’d have a say in how it’s represented. I think she’s full of regret because she didn’t realize it could become mainstream. I really love that you gave her a platform to have her voice heard. I personally LOVED the