
Gossip plays apart in society as well. It is way of conveying what is acceptable behaviour, of expressing of values and morals as a group/society, and it is a release from the constant disappointments of life in general. Gossip doesn’t need to be taken seriously it can just be what it is. So instead of your self

Well what’s her butt..Catelin was MAGA and a Republican’t forever so I think she is kind of used to it.

I called it last post about Kanye going off the meds.  And to be honest I hope she lays out a solid plan both legally and physically before she leaves him. Because he doesn’t have the stable behaviour and that will be a very messy divorce especially sharing children together. I actually feel sorry for her in this

Yes. I was listening to a podcast. It is infuriating. I have my headphones plugged in and resting on my desk and I can hear this faint noise and it’s the damn ads. Why is life so hard?

Firstly: Thank you!!! Love this post. Look forward to it every year and never disappoints.

I’m terrified of anything that crawls. But it just so nice that you shared this information to both protect the spider and make us feel better. So you get a star.

Welcome to the club. On the whole these celebrities really aren’t worth anyone’s full attention beyond the occasional bits of frivolous gossip and wardrobe choices. In general we enjoy or are indifferent to their various projects and skills. But Jez can take an innocuous celebrity and turn that person into the most

First off cucumber water is wonderful. Ok. It makes the water fresher. And drinkable.

Well, I mean...I don’t know. I’m a fan of say...Jennifer Lopez. I like her. I don’t want to live my life for her, by her, or like her (though I would like her hair and make up - always looks good). I just want to enjoy the work she puts out and be entertained. Might watch or read the occasional interview. Not like

I find all Stans grating and annoyingly childish. Doubly so if your over 18 and still Stanning like that. Also the naming of Stan mobs is disturbing. Being a fan is fine, great even, very normal. But Stan? I think the song sort of covered the issues there.

Ours was Primary to 9 and 10-12. Also Canadian. The system changes by province. Also I don’t think it makes sense for grade 9 to be considered highschool. They are like 14 or 15 and we’re gonna expose them to randy 17 year olds?

Huzzah!! Well done Hazel.

I said the same thing yesterday. This is def what NBC paid for. They wanted pull in the $$$$ from the alt-right and they bought her to do it. They wanted to bring the Becky’s and the BBQ Betty’s and Golf Cart Carols into the fold. The suburban blights. Now how long before the realize what big mistake this is.

That bitch needs to go on her show do a full mea culpa and address how her bullshit is wrong, how it impacts and influences others, and (as the icing) that she is a dummy. This little passive aggressive non apology doesn’t half way cut it. Once again it’s about PC not about common decency not about respect and dignity

Megyn Kelly behaves like Megyn Kelly. NBC gets exactly what they paid for. A racist, misogynist blowhard from Fox to speak to the suburban moms ruining america. It’s perfectly clear what NBC’s agenda is and they are equally responsible for this shit show and they responsible for the normalising of a Racist/White

I’m sure it will be mentioned. That marriage is very much a part of his story and hers.

I like reading film synopsis as well. Saves me money and time and brings me joy. Especially gore films (like many that you’ve listed). It doesn’t scare me but I do not have the stomach for organs and bodily fluids. Yuck. I did see the Human Centipede and one called Feed

Oh, I’m sorry. I had assumed that the pap was the only test since that is the only one I’ve ever had/been offered. I’ve stopped those tests altogether as I find it to be both physically painful and sends my anxiety through the roof. I have issues with (TMI) intercourse (i.e. occasional pain) and was trying to get to

Ah! Yes, that’s what it was. I really enjoyed Afterlife. I’m looking forward to this new interpretation of Sabrina actually. I’m a bit of fan of Shipka I thought she did great in Mad Men.

“her doctor conducted a pelvic ultrasound which is not a “common practice”” This. This right here. A pelvic ultrasound! You mean I don’t have to go through the demeaning and anxiety inducing nightmare of getting naked, putting my feet in a stirrup, and having my vagina poked and prodded with various instruments