Including Jez, since it’s the lead.
Including Jez, since it’s the lead.
But she keeps going back to that well. This isn’t the first time and you’d think by now she might steer clear of the reference. Look I don’t really stan the double kk’s but lawd I tire of them being the devil for every ill. Shits been happening since before you or I were born and you pick this person and that person…
She is selling lies. No doubt. But the whole entertainment and fashion and cosmetic industry is a one massive lie. Targeting one representative of that is missing the forest for the trees. Even with this body positivity movement it’s still photo shopped to hell. They aren’t selling products their selling fantasy based…
What about the whole Housewives franchise or the worst offender (and Jez favourite) the fucking bachelor with it’s tokens that get ditched day 1 and the repulsive desperation and sexist fucking tropes and blondes. What about half the instamodels and most of reality tv. I mean yeah attack the one person who has name…
When burning Nike. And umm some other stuff I forgot. Look don’t protest. Protest is bad. Too disruptive. The Right thing to do (see what I did there) is burn shit that you’ve already paid for and used. That’s how ya learn ‘em.
At least the one can by pass the others and actually achieve the goal however small.
And maybe with each success she has she gets a little closer to being able to that. Congress is a circus of shit flinging monkeys not so easily persuaded in the same direction. Working Trump might be the best course of action for the time being. Even it is, sadly, one person at a time.
I don’t think she has tried to represent herself as more. I’ve seen a bit of her media pre-hype and she is a tough chick. A kind of woman that I’m rather used to in my younger years. They really live that DAGF attitude. And it’s a bit of an acquired taste and often fun in small doses. But Jez seems to laud anybody as…
Fuuuuuck. You know some of us like pants right? Slim fit, wide leg, whatever in a quality fabric that actually lasts longer than a few washes and *shocker* ensures that one looks stylish and well put together. I’m fucking sick of tights. Tights are fine if you don’t have professional job and are still in Uni but once…
I care for none of these actors except Tilda (who caused a few problems see-Marvel casting) but I’m into this trailer. Looks like a classic devil themed horror film. I’m here for it.
I swear she’s one of those women. Only opinion she cares for is a man’s and you know how that goes.
And there my friends is the death of her career. Soon only to be supported by misogynists and those who want to have unsavoury relations with her. Only fools will record with her and those with credibility will slowly fade away. I told you she should take a long break. Remy proved she had no skills and now we see she…
I have lurked around Jez for a looooong ass time and I agree. Also it is likely there will be a longer piece later on.
How can she be half black and half Trini? Trini isn’t a race it’s a nationality. And Trinidadian’s can be Black, South Asian, Asian, and a whole mix in between. But yes you are right on. I agree completely. Also turns out she is South Asian/Black Trini. So yeah just plain old appropriation on her part.
I am 41 years old and I watched it 3 times this weekend. 3 fucking times. I don’t even know what to say. It was just so sweet and funny and heartfelt and a joy to sit and watch. I wish that a Peter existed in my youth. Sadly it was a bunch of hormonal teenagers trying to sort through the crazy. I might watch it again.…
Isn’t she half Asian - like Filipino? I mean that doesn’t excuse her tacky shit but it changes the perspective of her poor choices?
You know at first I bought that whole rumor thing but then she shows up with 6969 after it’s been widely reported of his conviction and she says some borderline shit which leads one to believe that she is often on the man’s side of the equation. I wouldn’t be to surprised if she is one of those never-had-women-friend…
Close enough for that clown.
Either way you slice it she is a hypocrite and inauthentic. By her own admission. The only real thing about her is desire to make bank and be idolised. That’s it. And that, as we can see, isn’t sustainable. It’s too bad though she does have talent.