Kinja has smelly balls

she is the only reason I watched skipped through this video...

I’m all for doing your own thing, but I can’t even with this car.

Hey sweetie. Look around real quick. This is what poor life choices look like.

This is cringe worthy even without the trailer/trailer loading.

“In God We Trust” wasn’t written by the founding fathers either, but the fact that it’s on our currency is constantly used by people as “evidence” that our country is supposedly intended to be non-secular.

That thing is Hid.e.ous. And not in a good way.

I was totally expecting his dick pics. This is awkward now.

I’m just (not at all) stunned that Shaun White is a complete douchebag

Mine is already broken.

You know what you did.

once you welcome Doug to your home he’ll never leave so just don’t open the door. which is also my new horror film idea which should be at the next jalopnik movie fest.

We were promised no Doug; why is there Doug here?

for some perspective on the size...

I like BMW products, in general, but they’ve lost their fucking minds if they think I’m going to even give a moment’s consideration to canceling my Model 3 deposit for a 3 series.

Model 3 gives me: HOV lane access. Much much much much reduced maintenance. Autopilot. Free charging at work.

A 3 series gives me… a

She blamed Teslas Autopilot

Durr! (bends)

At least now the owner of the Mercedes will have the opportunity to upgrade to European bumpers and get rid of those US-spec diving boards. The few inches of extra clearance might help their parallel parking situation too.

At no time was the D.C. Metro, the capital’s subway system, under threat*, according to the FBI.

Meanwhile, our government just airlifted $400M to Iran in cash. No arrests.