It's been established that electric cars aren't fond of weather that isn't pretty mild. But a new study from AAA…
It's been established that electric cars aren't fond of weather that isn't pretty mild. But a new study from AAA…
You lost me at 'make the car look good'.
Yet another Semi-Driver driving to fast or following too close and nearly killing someone. When are we going to implement existing technology to force truck drivers to obey the laws?
Yeah, he's dead. As Patrick's lengthy NINE sentence article states, he landed and body parts exploded all over covering men, women, children, mountain goats, and tiny baby kittens. It was awful. You could smell Monster Energy drink, fuel and an oder not unlike burning French fries for miles around.
Flipping awesome! I hope he has it in him to try again.
...I kinda like that.
so the TT is the new Porsche 911...
Just came to say "fender vendor".
In Canada, you only get poutine road rage, which is to say not much of it.
They made an emergency landing near where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above-average.
"I know."
I don't understand why these hybrids don't make like diesel-electric trains and the Hammerhead Eagle iThrust and have an internal combustion engine turn a generator that runs the electric motors.
Just don't lose it! There's no replacement for misplacement.
My favorite part "Hey, this pedal assembly won't fit now... where's that hammer?" SMASH SMASH SMASH
New new owner must not have seen the episode. They butchered the poor thing.
But how would I know? ...