A little journalism 101 with getting the name right first - as in SEMA = specialty equipment market association.
A little journalism 101 with getting the name right first - as in SEMA = specialty equipment market association.
That's one of the nicest widebodies I've ever seen.
I know of one for sale, but it's a bit pricey because it's attached to a Ferrari 348...
I have the weirdest boner...
Exactly. /Drive is not free, in order to watch /Drive I have to buy internet just as I have to buy cable to watch TV. Also time is money, and if someone spends time on something it deserves to be critiqued.
I sincerely don't understand this attitude that because Drive is "free" it should be exempt from criticism. Drive is as "free" as NBC and FOX and there are plenty of people that make a living criticising their offerings.
If they could get a proper boom mic, so we could hear them it would be awesome!
Is it wrong that I looked and saw the video was 24 minutes and bailed? too short attention span you say?
A 24 minute video as a response to trolling on Youtube.
What's with Drive grasping at anything for content this past week? That was boring, and I love "inside baseball" stuff. BTW: Harris has a 599?? Nice, mate.
Woah... Chris Harris is tiny compared to the other guys!
Pontiac for big haired girls. Bared repeating.
First car blog with a totally BS name:
Don't criticize how the government told you to run your company when the way you ran it forced you to come to the Government in the first place.
You used the same picture for the 911 in both eras.
Dear England,