Ben Grimm

Don’t worry. I was already very comfortable not looking up to you.

I think the University of Miami may need to have its accreditation reviewed.

I think this is the first one of these that specifically really bothers me, in that I expected better out of George than this. The rest of them bother me in the general sense, of course, but none of those harassers and assaulters were people I particularly looked up to on any sort of personal level.

“Conservative Republicans continue to reinforce all of the stereotypes about them”

Yeah, Spacey is heavy makeup is a stunt. Plummer’s a great choice.

It was under the often-invoked status quo provision.

I think Plummer was Scott’s first choice for the role anyway, and the studio pushed for Spacey. Plummer may have resented Spacey already, making the decision to take the role super-easy for him.

I held out a brief moment of hope that they might just keep her mayor for at least a little while, before reality reasserted itself as expected.

It’s one of those gags that seemed near-subversive in the early 90s when parents were freaking out about Bart, and seems quaint now.

So, the Bronze Age?

Unless you spend some real time around Southern Baptists - and they’d refuse to spend time with you, for the most part - you don’t realize how totally logic-immune they are.

Living where you live, I don’t think you realize how stupid these people are. Moore is their people. It literally hasn’t occurred to them that he won’t win. They think that Moore is more likely to win, and if they pull him a lot of them will refuse to vote for Strange. These are stubborn, stupid people. Blazing

But that would be letting the Liberals get their way. They’re not capable of thinking strategically, and they see compromise as defeat.

Keep in mind - it’s a near-certainty that at least 40% of Alabama voters will vote for the pedophile knowing he’s a pedophile. Southern Baptists will forgive literally any sort of behavior, as long as it comes from a Conservative Republican.

I saw the headline, thought, “Oh cool, pictures of Michelle and a panda,” looked at the pictures, and got sad.

That’s at least interestingly bad. I’d listen to it over Photograph any time.

Seriously, no Nickelback? I mean, I get that hating on them is a little cliche, but I think “Photograph” is quite possibly the worst song I’ve heard in my entire life.

This has been pretty openly discussed for years. Hopefully now something will be done about it.

List of agents who have knowingly sent actresses into situations where they were likely to get sexually harassed: